
New horse!!! Please help!!?

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I am part loaning a mare she is 4 years old and is a throughbred racehorse! she is very quick and my friend said i need to shcool her because at the moment she just trys to canter all the time! I need some tips on how i can get her trained better and how i can get her to come to me in the field because at the moment she doesnt really know me.

Also does talking to her and praising her up make a difference

Thanks xx




  1. Beyond the Track: Retraining the Thoroughbred from Racecourse to Riding Horse:  by Anna Ford and Amber Heintzberger

      good book on retrining.  Also find a TRAINER to help you, or someone knowledgable perferably with a CALM older horse to ride with you.

  2. Join-up Join-up Join-up Have you ever heard of this. Research it!!! It helped me and my horse out a lot.. go to

    to find out about Join-up s message to the horse

    then go to

    this will give you the basic priniples of how to do it. My horse responds better to a gallop than a lope but it depends on the horse.

    Good luck and Try it (I had great effects with my horse)

    And talking and Praise helps to some extent

  3. You need to take this mare back to basics.  Put her on a lunge line (Long line) and start her first at a walk, then trot and finally canter.  Once you've got her doing all 3 and of course stopping and reversing on command, then step back on board her and work her in the SAME circle AFTER you've lunged her.

  4. First off praising make a world of differnece and try to feed her less grain and exersize her more. also try lunging her beofre a ride and when you trot do lots of it until she is tired then canter, work on circles and when you ask her to slow down and even if she does a LITTLE praise her and stop pulling then repeat...remember "when a horse does what you ask stop doing everything and when she goes back to being fast slow her down by sitting back and squeezing w/ your reins a bit then when she yeilds stop asking her" she will learn that there is no pressure when she yeilds and she will become more willing!

    good luck :D

  5. I think that she should go to a big time ranch and ask for some one to help u.

  6. Time and patience. Our horse is just different, she'll just start trotting up the pasture to be with us. Good luck to you.

  7. I'd ask your trainer to help you, they probably would be able to offer some more advive from what we know here, and what you know.

    But my cousin was leasing a OTTB once, and she sounded like your mare, she wanted to gallop everywhere, do everything really fast, my cousin put her on a lounge line one day, and made her go through her paces, walk, trot, and she'd canter for only for a few steps, because my cousin knew the mare wold just keep cantering if she let her, if she didn't listen, she got a little tap on the butt with the lounge whip. She never hit the horse, just tapped her, enough to get her attention back.

    They also did a lot of ground work, leading, grooming, walking around, trailering, that kind of thing.

    I'd say just work with her, it might take a while, but you'll have to have some patietence!

    good luck!

  8. u and the other party need to worrk together on this. when approaching her pasture start calling to her and for now coax her with apples or carrots reward her with something showing her that she is a good girl. there is nothing wrong with praising her either she will get use to you faster this way and be able to recognize you by voice. as for the cantering problem u need to be firm on the rains when she attempts to move faster than a walk. she does need to know who is in charge, use words while using firmness she get the idea but it will take time don't give up. i have trained horses for years right from beginning of thier lives they are very intelligent animals and respond better to kindness then abusiveness.

  9. racehorses tend to be very difficult to retrain. if u dont kno how to do it yourself u should seek professional guidance before u start because she needs back to the basics.

    as for getting to kno her and her kno u i can help.

    if the feild is large with other horses then this may b difficult but u could move her to another area for this.

    dont just go in to the feild wen u r gonna work her. its good to just sit in the feild and watch the horses, calmly. maybe just pet them a little if they or she comes over to u. but dont go to her let her come to u and just pet her once then go back to just sitting quietly. mayb bring a carrot to give her sometimes but not all the time. after just in the big pasture try to bring her into a smaller one and sit with her. mayb take her 4 walks or groom her or just chill;. so she knos she is not just for work.

    also put the halter on gently and dont call her name wen she is being taken out for work.

    there is more but just talk to her alot and praise her.

    good luck!!!

  10. The situation you describe sounds very unsafe for you.  This is a precarious situation at best, and because you asked the questions you did, you need some assistance if you are going to try to continue with this horse.  Race horses do not have any training to be ridden in a normal fashion as you probably perceive riding.  The way they respond to a bridle and bit or pressure from a human in the saddle is totally for their life of racing on the track.  No wonder all she wants to do is run, it is all she knows.  Everytime a human has been on her back in her lifetime, she was asked to run.  Race horses that have not been re-started and indoctrinated into a more normal life can be quite dangerous, not because they are bad, but just because they don't know any better.  Please be careful.  It will take time, patience, and knowledge to get this horse started and safe.  She is very young and if you are young also, this is not a good combination.  Talking to and praising horses will not make a difference.  Horses are not overtly verbal animals.  They communicate primarily with body language.  Again, the questions you ask indicate that you need to find someone to help you.  Good luck.

  11. i think that if you're leasing the horse, then both people who ride it should go to a trainer for help.  they can give you better tips on how to work with the horse, and i think talking to the horse helps, at least it did for mine.

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