
New iTunes and iPod??

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My iPod is REALLY old and REALLY slow, so I'm looking to update it. But the only worry I have, is that if I upgrade my iPod, will it bring a new iTunes with it? And if so, will it wipe my old iTunes? Because I don't want to have to go through finding all my songs again, I can't back them up.

Thanks in advance.




  1. ITunes, since the first IPods, hasn't changed. Well only skins and some fonctions changed but globally it's the same software.

    So if you update your IPod (btw I don't think it's going to make your IPod work any faster) there should not be any changes.

    The songs stay on your IPod because your library isn't going to change either.

  2. nope. updating iTunes will not change Library. the library is stored in a folder on your computer. so your safe : )

  3. Using a newer iPod won't wipe your iTunes library. Niether will updating iTunes. I would'nt worry i I were you.

  4. When you get your new iPod, depending on you iTunes, you might want to update to a newer version. But, you will not loose all you songs or anything. I got an iPhone recently and I upgraded my iTunes and all my songs from my iPod Nano came onto the iPhone.
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