
New information points that Obama's Wailing Wall note/prayer was staged just so it would become public.?

by Guest33493  |  earlier

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When do you believe this story will break in the nighly news and do you believe this staged scam of Obama's will hit the press soon? Does this man have any integrity at all?




  1. When John McCain can go in front of a group that is not handpicked ask the question again.  And for that matter, what candidate running for President has NOT appeared

    at staged events.

  2. of course it was staged, any idiot ( obama, not you ) would know the minute he left someone would take his note. obama can't even spell integrity, let alone know the meaning, same with honesty, truthfulness or sincerity. obama isn't fooling me.

  3. Obama is a very smart man and regardless of how long he's been in the Senate, he is a tested Chicago politician.  You don't get to run without competition (see State races in Illinois and how he got to the IL legislature) without knowing how to get around.    There is no way he would have written down and left in a public place feelings that come straight from the heart and that could identify him.  There is nothing that can truly identify this note as coming from him.  Prayers are personal and more often than not include personal thoughts that can easily identify the person.  This note is as generic as buying Great Value items at your local Wal Mart.

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