
New installation of Windows XP Pro is causing network problems.?

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I just installed Windows XP Pro on my computer, I am trying to join my network but when I run the setup or join a home network wizard I click finnish and then nothing starts up. I am also trying to change my workgroup but the option is grayed out. Please its quite important I get my network running again.

I have 5 computers running on this network they are all connected through my router into my modem. Any help would be great.




  1. have you loaded the NIC drivers?

  2. right click My computer > Properties > Hardware > Device Manager > Network adapters and look for yellow circles with a ! inside.

    You prob are just missing a driver.

  3. Yeah,the problem isn't that much strange. It's either the NIC drivers are not properly configured(installed) or your PC is supposed to be a member of a domain where your this current PC is not yet added. The latter is most unlikely since you are saying that you are managing 5 other workstations. I would suggest you check the drivers first. A fresh copy of XP pro shouldn't have such problems.

  4. Not enough info here. Windows XP Pro is made to network, that is it's main purpose. More so than Home edition.

    Are you on a work group or a domain? Do you have a Server? If so create a domain if you haven't already done so.

    Are your NIC drivers installed and is the NIC working properly?

    Do you have an IP Address that is in the same subnet as your other PC's on the LAN, this is very important.

    You have to be ther administrator to join the computer to the domain/work group, make sure you have administrative priviledges. If you are on a domain, have you created a computer account in the domain for your PC?

    You say you are going through a router to a modem. Some routers have 4 Ports and a Port used to connect two routers. Check to see that you are not using the wrong port setting.

    I hope this helps


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