
New kicker amp wont turn on?

by Guest32054  |  earlier

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I just bought a kicker zx300 to power a 12in sub. i used 8awg to power it from my battery, i have the rem running from my alpine reciever, and i bolted the ground wire to the body of my car, i even scraped the paint off too. i used the little voltage tester and all the wires have power, the fuses on the side of the amp work too but the thing still wont turn on. the power wire has one of those inline fuses in the little plastic casing so im not sure how to test that one, but it looks fine. any ideas what could be wrong???????





  2. did u check for power and ground at the amp terminals??

    chech there... power to ground.. and remote to ground.. it should light up on both.. with the stereo on

  3. for the power wire or ignition wire. try taking the inline fuse off and  connecting it strait to the ignition like or to a on/off switch. a lot of times the inline work weak because there made crappy most companies figure if your running 500 watts or less its non important unless its JL audio or alpine. if you didn't get wires or wire kits from them or other companies who make wires exclusively(monster,stinger,phoenix gold, etc) then you have a possibly to getting cheap products. remove the inline and see if thats any use. thats the only thing i can think of. also check your battery terminal  and check for any pinches in the cords.

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