
New kitten crys 24/7?

by Guest45212  |  earlier

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So we got a new kitten yesterday at 7am. She's almost 10 weeks old...and ever since we've brought her home, all she does is cry (LOUD) all the time. If she's not sleeping, she's crying. She really sounds like a female cat in heat. She wont eat, she has pee'd once in the litter box, but thats about it. What can we do to make her stop????




  1. cuddle her, keep her safe, she is in an unfamiliar setting. Woudlnt you be scared too?

  2. Make her a nice soft bed somewhere quiet away from everyone.  And another close to you where you sleep.  Maybe put a warm hot water bottle among the blankets and a ticking cloth.  It'll sound like her mother.  Play with her a lot so she gets tired.  She's just scared and a little lonely for her family.  She'll calm down when she feels more comfortable and safe.

  3. She's home-sick im sure.

    Imagine taking away a three year old from the only person and people, its ever known.

    Give it about a few days, it should get a little better.

    In a week, it should go away all together.

    And make sure you spend as much time with her as possible.

    YOUR her new mom now. Make her feel as loved as possible. :]

  4. well i think you should get her something like a cool toy or something fun to make her feel at home. And if that doesnt work take her abck to where you got her and ask what can be done. And well congrats ont the baby on the way.!!!!

  5. you should play with it i mean it missies it's mother

  6. she will be missing her mum alot and wont no whats going on just keep playing with her with lots of toys and treats n hugs if you can  
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