
New kitten owner curious about vet prices?

by  |  earlier

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I've just arranged to get a kitten from my friends Boyfriend(They are healthy, I assure! I've been there and it is a very clean place!) and I wa curious as to the following vet prices?:


How much does it cost and where can I have it done?


How much are they?

Spay or Neutering?

(I will be able to get this done in the spring for free, though.) Pricing for this?


How much does this cost/what do they check for?

I live in New York if that is any help?




  1. call around to different Vets in your area, some vets charge more than others. This would be the best way to go, compare their prices. Also, check with the human society in your area for a recommendation for a reliable vet.

  2. Depends on who u go to. Try local rescue shelters for possible spay/neuter discount programs.

  3. you get a license usually from your town office, thats where i got mine, and they are cheaper if your pet is spayed/netured like 10$ prolly thats what we pay here.

    Vaccinations need to be done at 6 weeks, 10 weeks, and another time. each prolly around 60-70 dollars.

    spay or nutering is usually 100. I paid 247 for a spay and vaccinations for my kitten.

    I dont know if they do examinations...i think they get what ever they need when they get vaccinated, and dewormed. So unless your kitten gets sick you only have to see the vet once a year after the first sets of vaccinations and fixing are done.  

  4. At my vet:

    Shots:  $22

    Worming:  $15

    Spay:  $40

    Neuter:  $35

    Licensing:  not sure, we don't need license here but Rabies vax is $10

    My vet doesn't charge for exam. Only treatment cost (meds).

    Call around for pricing. I'm in Alabama.

  5. When I adopted my cat, it wasn't that much I live in wisconsin so my prices might be different from yours.  I didn't need a license but I was required to get a rabies shot and rabies tag for her collar, it was 25 dollars.  The check up was forty, this included blood test.  She need a Feline Leukemia shot which was twenty dollars.  I believe the total cost was around 100 dollars.  It sounds like a lot but it's only once a year that your going to have the pay it plus if the kitten has any health problems, it's better to catch it when it's easy to treat then later.  My cat seemed healthy but she an ear inflection that would have gone untreated if I hadn't taken her to the vet.

  6. vaccinations can be pricy but if you go to feed stores or a tractor supply store(i'm not sure if their are any of these around you but there are in michigan!) they sell shots for about 5 dollars... you just have to have the heart to be able to do it yourself. it's very simple you just pinch up the skin on the scruff of the neck and inject the shot... just rub rub rub the spot right after and they'll be fine.

    if you check pet catalogs they sometimes sell shots

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