
New kitten purs SO loud and wont stay away from my face/neck when I'm sleeping.?

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I literally got 2 hours of sleep last night because my Kitten purs SO loud, it sounds like a lawnmower in my bed. She wont stay away from my face and neck. She constantly wraps herself around my head and neck and paws at my face and licks me. I feel bad sticking her in her cage while I sleep because I put her in it when I leave the house. What should I do? How can I train her??




  1. Sounds like you both are going to have to go through some is in her nature to sleep this way with you...because that is the way she slept with other kitten and is a natural instinct of might be a while for both of you....but, getting some ear plugs to help you sleep...might help....she just purrs so loud because she's happy !!

  2. put her in another room

  3. my kitten used to do that when i first got her..i used to think it was purring until she kept doing it before and after she woke up so we took her to the turned out she had an upper respiratory infection...but its nothing harmful she just makes loud purring noises... and if you want your cat to stay off your face/neck you can try getting her a bed and putting it on your bed...first put a couple treats on the bed so she stays there for a while...and try to make sure she stays there the whole night.

  4. Trade?

  5. why don't u buy a cat pillow or bed from local pet store. and put ur cat in there every time u go to sleep and cat will be comfortable of owning it's own sleeping place.

  6. My baby purrs all the time. The vet turned water on to make him stop while giving him an exam, but do it sparingly. I would stick her in another room. My kitten used to do that when I was really young, but she grew out of it. Be thankful you have such a loving kitty.  

  7. she only keeps doing that as she can hear your heart beat/pulse and it reminds them of their mother try leaving her on ur stomach or something or put her under ur blanket try different things and see if it works. or if it doesn't work then just put her in the laundry with a blanket in their. hope i helped

  8. Kittens do this a lot. I have a kitten (now a cat) and she puures and sleeps on my neck mainly everynight. The kitten pobably does this either because she thinks you are her mum/dad, or feels lonely at night or she wants company. I would say the best thing to do is teach her not to, either by keeping her in another room, or keep her in another room with a cosy, cat basket that she/he will love at night. Kittens tend to want food at night, so this also might be the reason. Prepare some food out for the night in a seprate room.

    Hope this helps. We did train our cat, but we love it when she sleeps near us. And wakes us up at 6:00 exactly in the morning every night for food. Now she is growing and she now tends to sleep through the whole night without bothering us. The kitten just needs to learn what she is meant to do. Good luck (:

  9. Awww..... that sounds exactly like my kitten. She is a semi-longhair white cat. And she jsut purrs all the time-you can hear it from the other side of the room.... and she will just purr for no reason at times.

    Also, she sits on me and comes to my face and starts liking it. It is sweet sometimes, but other times annoying.

    However, I feel really bad at night because we have to put her in the utility room for the night, as she can't stay upstairs because my other cat roams around everywhere and doesn't get on with her, and she would probably run around everywhere and end up peeing in my room.

    I suggest that you get her more used to the cage by making it more homely and adding more toys and put her in it for like5 mins at a time... gradually working up. Eventually you should put her in the cage at night... and don't worry although you might feel bad... its not that bad for the kitten.

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