
New kitten training? (doing his "business" outside)?

by  |  earlier

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I am getting a new kitten, but before I get it I want to know...

1)How to train him to "go" outside (step by step and for how long per step)?

2)What ESSENTIALS does he need?

3)How do I train him to reconize his name?

4) Will he stay in my backyard if he is only allowed there and inside the house (we have a fence, but I'm afraid of him being a curious kitty and jumping over)? :(





  1. 1: You'd be better off trying to get him to use a litter box. Because if you leave the house when hes inside (unless you have a kitty door) he will be stuck inside and p**p on the floor. If you have a kitty door, he should go outside automatically when he has to go.

    2: He needs a food dish, water... KITTEN food, (litter box, you dont want to let a very small kitten outside by itself) toys maybe.

    3: Just pick a name, and call him by it. He will soon recognize his name.

    4: He will probably try to get over the fence. Cats are curious, its in their nature, if you want to  spend more time with your cat, keep him inside, because depending how high the fence is, he WILL get over it.

  2. First of all a kitten needs to stay INSIDE the house with a litter box for at least 6 month to 9 months. (and spayed/ neutered before letting it out)

    Yes your kitten (which is like a child/ baby) will get in trouble if left outside with out him mom to teach him.... and scary for such a little thing.  And possibly run away.

    (how would you like for your parents to go somewhere and make you stay outside of the hotel and on your own... while in a strange place... scary huh?)

    So you are going to have to be his momma.

    When he is old enough.. you take him out when you think he is wanting to go to the bathroom.

    Call him his name before feeding him and while feeding ... "good roofus eating your food... good roofus" and while playing with him.  (don't ever call it kitty kitty. or let others call him that... call him by his name all the time)

    Be a responsible pet parent and make sure your kitten gets fixed before the first heat!

  3. at first you have to take him out about every hour just like you wold do for a puppy and say  "lets go outside!"   if he  goes inside the house don't say anything just clean it up or just trainhim to use the litter box (i don't now how to my mom taught my cat).

    when you talk to him say his name and sooner or later he will relize thats his name. keep him in the house all the time besides to goto the bathroom unles your going to watch him  till he's a little older then he can go of my himself since  cat know  the smell of there home and find the way back easly. hope i help!!!

  4. if you want him to go to the bathroom outside let him live outside.

    and if he stays out side he'll hop over a fence easy

    for his name just call him by his name and he will catch on

  5. i only know how to get him to recognize his name: just call him a lot and pet him while saying the name and he'll know it in a little while

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