
New kitten vs my 4 yr old cat

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i recently got a kitten that is about 7-8 weeks old, the only problem is my mom has a 4 yr old cat, and this cat is not pleasant at all. She is very aggressive towards people she doesnt know, and has been known to charge my 2 younger sisters, tho shes never actually hurt anyone aside from a few bites and scratchs, the only 2 people she wont attack is me and my mom, she adores my mom and is scared of me. Well tho she has yet to actually hurt my kitten, she doesnt like the kitten at all and can become pretty aggressive to any 1 when the kitten is out and about. Shes never been mistreated, only ever been popped once and that was when i had to get her out of my sisters bed becus she was trying to attack her, she went to attack me and i just went for the first reaction that came to mind. aside from that every other bit of her training IE: dont get on the tables and counters where taught to her with a spray bottle. Shes pretty spoiled so id assume thats why she is the way she is, but ya any suggestions on how i can get them to get along better, the kitten harasses her alot and is pretty think headed, im worried 1 time the cats gonna go a lil 2 far, either way the cat was a runt and isnt the biggest of cats, and the kitten is gonna grow up to be pretty big, so either way later on im betting the cats gonna get put in its place but until then id like to be spared the blood shed lol




  1. i have a kitten, a 2 year old cat, and a one year old cat, and they all get along very well. When you first bring a new cat into your household, they are going to have to get the point straight of who is in charge and whos gonna be the dominant cat type-of-thing. my cats were a little rough with my kitten, but now they've gotten better, and the 2 older cats seem kind of like parents to  my kitten.

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