
New kitties won't use the litterbox?!?

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I have two new little kittens. I just got them two days ago, and I have a few questions. I plan on taking them to the vet this week as soon as I can get in, and I have had cats for my entire life, but I'm having problems with these two little girls.Here's a little bit of background information:

I was talking to a co-worker of mine about cats in general, and mentioned that I have never been without cats, and now that I'm living on my own and no longer in a dorm I wanted to adopt. (Yes, I understand financial burden, and I am prepared for whatever may happen) And this woman, "Sue", told me that she had a friend who had two kittens she had just taken in (at five weeks old) and now that they were 7 weeks old, she was ready to kick them out on the streets to fend for themselves. Well, to put it simply, this woman doesn't know how to care for cats. She didn't even know that they can live to be 10, 15 years old, because she's never had one for more than a year or two. Also, these poor little kitties have been eating dog food now for the last three weeks. But when "Sue" picked up the kittens for me, she discovered that this woman had already given away the little boy, so picked up a kitten from her neighbor who was also looking to re-home a kitten. So she brought the two to me, and you can obviously tell by their body shapes which of the two has had better nutrition.

So yesterday, the little tabby (the one from the bad house) had some watery yellow diarrhea, and the calico (the one from the healthier household) was pooping normal little kitten poops. I have them on a kitten food diet and they have been drinking a lot of water, but I have not seen them pee anywhere! Not on my floor, not in the litterbox...nowhere! And now the calico's poo is also watery and yellow, and they are not pooping in the litterbox.... And I also saw a little bit of vomit in a few places. Then about 15 min ago, the tabby peed a teeny little bit (like the size of a quarter) in front of my door on the rug, and I picked her up immediately and took her to the litterbox (which is what I've done every time I've caught them going where they are not supposed to go) And I've even put the poo I cleaned up in the litterbox so they know where to go... But I don't know what else to do!!! Any suggestions???




  1. What kind of cat litter are you using?  One of my cats won't use scented litter, the perfume is too strong.  He'll find something else to use as his cat box if I use it.  I have to use unscented litter because of this.  Also, the litter's texture is important.  Some cats only like clay or the sand texture of clumping, and wont' use the wood or paper pellet stuff.  Just remember, a cat can smell it's litter box way before you can, so if it's not up to par, this could be the problem.  This has happened to me and took me a long time to figure out.  

    You should also get a black light and some enzyme cleaner like Nature's Miracle.  If your house is dark, you can use the black light to find where they've been peeing.  You might need the enzyme cleaner because the cleaner your using to pick up their messes may not be getting everything, and they might still be able to smell it and are regoing in the same spots.

  2. The way i used to litter train kittens is when they wake up from a nap put the straight into the litter box, 9 out of 10 time they will use it.... if you see them going for corners or scratch the carpet, put the into the box.... when they have had food put them straight in the litter box....they will probably play around in it but they will eventually get the point that its where they go toilet

  3. Just give them time. They might use the bathroom soon. If not, you might want to do this. . .

    You will need to get a good textured wash cloth- like terrycloth- to simulate the mother´s tongue. Get the wash cloth wet with very warm water: it should be wet, but not dripping. Gently wash the kitten´s face by moving across the eyes and nose area. After the face, gently wash the genital area, this will stimulate the bladder to work, and in the later weeks, teach the kitten to clean itself after a bowel movement.


  4. shrink the size of the area they can roam in, you may have to reduce it down to the say the bathroom, with only enough room for a food spot, beding and the litter (they wont mess beding and food.. so have to use the litter)

    then using the same dirty litter (that has their smell in it) slowly increase their area of roaming.

    if they are not floppy or looking ill, or seem to be straining to urinate, or sounding upset, i would see how they go, it may take them a while to get used to the proper diet, maybe try a little plain pet mince, (not processed kitten food) might be easier on their stomach.

    if their stomachs seem big (distended) not just after eating, but all the time, they may need a dose of worming medication

    hope this helps

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