
New land of the lost+remakes in general?

by Guest31793  |  earlier

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well for the most part theyre not to good,but sometimes some decent -good ones go through. Now what do you think about them remaking this, and the fact that will ferrel is doing this can he make it a hit?. Now in general i want to know which top 3 movie remakes(if u can think of that many) you think were good and faithful (or at least decent) and why, and which do 3 do you think were the worst and here are some ground rules. 1. videogame adaptions dont count(although they dont always succeed) 2. the 10 to 20yr. later out of nowhere direct to dvd sequel(although usually horrible,with a possible exception w/ lost boys the tribe even though 2 out of 3 main characters were their in cameo only. it was somewhat faithful more than most other movies like that, and pretty decent story)dont count either. 3.dont be a d**k and just put that they all suck or something to that effect. anyways lets get started ill say my opinion a little later(assuming anyone answers.)




  1. well since you brought up Land of the Lost

    here's my oppinon

    When I first heard talk of a movie in the works i was very interested in it.

    to see how they would take a man and his two children into a land where dinosourse rule, strange alien like creatues (i think called the stexies) live, and i think chimps become friends with the family.

    then they removed the children.

    i saw a production photo of it the other day where its the man and the alien creatures behind him.

    ive also heard no dinos.

    so yeah im not too big on it

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