
New mommy and Im nervous.Am i about to go in? ?

by Guest34228  |  earlier

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Lost my mucous plug last week. Doctor said my cervix was still closed. last night i had pains on both sides of my belly, and at the top of my uterus. The pain kind of felt like when I am ovulating. The pain was so bad that I couldn't lye on either side. I was moving all around trying to get comfortable. It took a couple hours, but i finally found a place i could go to sleep. When I got up this morning, I still felt the pain, but it was not as bad. I tried to call the doctor, but its a holiday. Even my birth coach( MIDWIFE) was not reachable. I am only 34 weeks, and i don't want to go in early, but after 34 weeks my doctors do not stop labor. I don't know whats going on. Does it sound like I am about to go in?




  1. if the pains coem and go then it could be it.  

    What kind of midwife isnt reachable at this point in time???....

  2. It could go either way, but I would guess you are not going to go anytime soon.  The pians just sound like normal "end of pregnancy" aches and pains.  Also the mucus plug loss is not a very good predicter of labor, unfortunately.  

  3. i would def go in just to make sure babys lungs are not done for another 3 weeks and if you are starting labor they need to get you on some steriods to help the lungs develop

  4. Is there a doctor on call? I'd see if theres a doctor on call, which there should ALWAYS be. but if there isnt, go to the ER ASAP! I had my son at 26 weeks, which is no where close to 34 weeks, but i went to the ER because i was getting pains. I'd go in NOW, because since its a holiday, it will probably be packed. So the sooner you go, the sooner you get in. Better safe than sorry. Good luck!

  5. Its hard to tell, are the pains all the time or do they stop and then start again. If they are stopping and starting then its possible they are contractions, time them and see how far apart they are and if needed go to the ER to get checked out.

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