
New moms: have you noticed your baby's skin isn't so "baby soft" anymore?

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so everyone claims that baby's are always "baby soft". well it doesn't seem that way with my baby (whose 2 months old)

he has cradle c**p- which keeps coming back every week

(i would have to put vasaline on it..and then use a soft comb and brush to loosen it up and brush it out)

his face, torso, and back feels like sand paper!!

(i would have to put vaseline all over it...and then he would end up feeling all sticky and nasty)

there are dry yellow patches and red skin behind his ears...elbows...and knees..

(i was told to put cortosone on it..but it still hasn't healed)

and he has these "baby pimples" that appear at diff. places on his body (so then i would put cortosone on that too)

have u noticed these skin irrations on your new baby???

and what are your remedies to cure this?




  1. My son is 8 weeks old, and still feels super, super soft.  Have you talked to his doctor about it?  Sounds weird that he would feel like sand paper.  Is he on formula, maybe he's allergic to something?  Not sure, but it doesn't sound right!

    My son also gets pimples, he currently has a huge one on his chin.  I just let them run their course, I don't put anything on them.

  2. My baby's skin is still soft and smooth.  She had a horrible case of baby acne, but now at 7 weeks, it's not so bad.  She also had a rash on her back and chest, but it has gone away as well.  

    The cradle cap is gone now took a few weeks to go away.

    I think you should talk to your pediatrician about your baby's skin.  

  3. buy some cetaphil lotion it will help the dry patches and it will bring back that super soft baby skin..lotion him 2 time a day ..i do it in the morning and evening after bath time..the doctor reccomends it..

  4. Our baby is soft but she did have baby acne when she was 3-6 weeks. She had acne all over her face and her chest. It went away and now she is soft again. if i were  you, i would see the pedi.

  5. There is a rash called "newborn rash".  They say it develops around 6 weeks or so of age.  My son had this too.

    It was crazy - his ears and face would be like sandpaper.  I looked it up on like (googled newborn rash) and it said it is hormonal.  They say that the baby was used to getting your hormones and now that they have to produce thier own (since you are not attached any longer) it makes them get this rash. They say it is quite normal.

    With the cradle c**p (lol...) I POUR baby oil onto my sons head and wait about 10 mins and then brush it out with a fine tooth comb.

  6. Babies do typically have super soft skin, but it can also be super sensitive.

    I would assume that this could be coming from a few possible sources:

    Allergy to something in breast milk or formula.

    Washing too often, or using harsh soaps.

    skin irritation from laundry detergent, perfumes or dyes (aka chemicals) that are found in just about everything (including diapers and wipes, opt for unscented).

    My daughter had a little eczema at first, but I reduced how often I bathed her and the problem was solved. *she was a few months at the time.

  7. My son had a terrible case of the "sandpaper" rash, yellow patches, etc.  My doctor told me to get rid of the petroleum jelly (hard for their little pores to absorb) and wash him in Neutrogena Rainbath (or store brand) and use the skin lotion for hypoallergenic persons (starts with a C, cediphil I think).  And for cradle c**p, my doctor actually told me to wash his little baby hair in Neutrogena T gel shampoo (or store equivalent).  That was rough to see my baby get such reactions from mine/his hormones and my friends baby was the rosey cheeked, dimply baby.  It took maybe 1 1/2 weeks for him to get somewhat baby skin back.  You might want to look into using like All free & Clear detergent and also hypoallergenic everything.  My son did grow out of the sensitivity, but I would look into that.  

  8. My daughter is exactly the same way at 5 1/2 months old.

    We switched to scent free, dye free laundry detergent and only use aveeno lotion and johnsons original baby wash. The combination of these three things seems to help a little bit.

    She also had a tiny bit of cradle cap and some occassional eczema. For the cradle cap we use the cradle cap relief that they sell at Target and for the eczema we use the aveeno lotion.

    I asked the doctor about the tiny little bumps on her body and he said it is very normal. Most of the time it is some form of dry skin. Good luck!

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