
New mother state of mind and body?

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This leads me to another question. I am an AP and unable to get pregnant. Although I have read about post pregnancy symptoms and problems, I have not experienced them firsthand so I can't speak for this. And I would think that if the mom had post partum depression, reaction might be a bit different.

In MD, the bmom has 30 days to reverse her decision. Is 30 days enough to recover from birth to the point you can clearly make such a decision?




  1. it depends...

    having given birth to two children, there were times during the first month when the decision whether or not to answer a ringing phone was too much... most women are still healing physically. many are dealing with hormones out of whack. honestly, i wasn't quite "right" until after 8-10 weeks.

    post-partum periods are very different for different people. and having to make a decision as perm. as adoption is a tough call.

  2. I would think 30 days is more than adequate.

    I am a medical professional, so I'm pretty versed on looking at whether a person is able to give consent for treatment at any particular time.  

    I would be more concerned with bmoms experiencing medical complications that would alter their level of conscience (like massive blood loss, or worse, having enough serious complications to require ICU intervention).  Or even if there are enough pain meds on board so that someone is not competent.

  3. It really does depend on the individual woman.  Some can make a clear sound judgement within a few short days of giving birth, some might need more time....sometimes a few months or more.

  4. I'm not sure if this answers your question but most reputable adoption agencies will place a child in interim care (private foster care) if the birth parents are unsure/ unable to fully commit to their decision.

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