
New name for my new Appaloosa horse?

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I'm trading my QH gelding for an Appy mare. Her registered name is Simply Paradise and her aka name is Angel. It's not ironic or anything, she's a great horse but ive never been a fan of those kinds of names like angel, precious, baby etc... Since she's an appy I'm thinking of giving her an indian tribe name. First off do you think its okay to change her name? I'm not sure if she knows her name enough to come to it or how long they have called her Angel. But I want her to have a unique name ya know?

thats a link to two pictures of her. There are so many I can't decide! Let me know what you think... here's a link to a site of North American Indian Tribe names...




  1. Some possibilities:





    Those are some lovely native american names (well, ok - maybe not america, but hey)

  2. What about Pochahantas (dunno how you spell it)

  3. She is really pretty.

    Apache is my fave

  4. Sorry but I really like Apple Cider and I don't know what it means but I also like Lakota. Just from the picture I couldn't fit any name that made me go 'oh yeah'. Comanche is nice but for a gelding not a mare and Apache is awesome sounding except around where I live (Australia) there is a gas company called Apache and one of their plants went kaboom, so I don't really think it fits. Good luck choosing though, and the name will catch on.

  5. You can find out the father and mother's name is and put them together and see what you can get. Or you can name her Music, or Molly i could give you a billion names but here are some.

    Sagirah means Little one

    Rima means White antelope

    Jacenta means Flower

    Elbertina means Noble

    Gechina means Grace and so dose Gracia

    Maite means Love

    Zayna means Beauty

    Senon means Lively

    Fausta means Lucky

    Bibsbebe means Lady

    Adiva means Gentle

    Hermosa and Rosalinda means Beautiful  

    Nina means Girl  

    Regina means Queen  

    Juanita means Gods gift

    Florita means Flower

  6. shes so cute!!! I like the name Apple me back!

  7. d**n, she's pretty.

    Dunno about the tribe names, but the first name that jumped out at me was Cinnamon.  Sinny would be a good/easy call for her.

    You love horses, she'll catch on to the new name quick.  As far as Indian tribes, Lakota has always stuck out as a pretty name for me.

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