
New neighbors are planting trees that are obstructing our views?

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We have put alot of time, money, and effort into our backyard landscaping. We had one portion of our backyard fenced with wroth iron so we can enjoy our view. Now our new neighbors that just had their house built are planting avacado trees (they grow huge) all along the wroth iron fence and obstructing our view. They have a huge backyard and decide to plant along this area. Is there anything that can be done about this? Thanks guys. (Riverside, CA) THANKS!




  1. Have you tried speaking with them directly? They may not realize how it affects you. If the project is not yet completed, maybe you can convince them to modify it a bit. Especially since they are spending money on this project, they should be able to put themselves in your shoes since you just spent money on your fence. It may be, though, that your fence does not give them the privacy they want!

    You could contact your city offices or the university extension office and ask them what your options are. A family in Sunnyvale CA won their suit against the neighbors whose trees obstructed their solar panels, so maybe there is a precedent in your favor. But I am not sure if it was a local ordinance that applied.

    Keep in mind, though, the possible cost to your neighborly relationship if you approach this is a legalistic way.

    Good luck!

  2. 2 options

    1. Ask your neighbor nicely to take them out.

    2. Spray them with roundup when they arent home and watch them die. Then if they say something, suggest maybe they had a lack of water?

    Hope this helps!

  3. They are allowed to plant trees or shrubs as they want..they may want some privacy too....As long as the trees roots are not damaging some of your property, fences/sheds/concrete structures, they are well within thier rights...Not what you may want to hear but the truth..if you go poisioning thier trees you will be liable to pay the agricultural price of what each tree may produce in it's life span and with avacodos they grow for decades and put out thousands and hundreds of thousands of avacados in thier life span..Avacados or anywhere from 1.00 to 3.00 apiece depending on the seasonal pricing..This could possibly run 100k per tree..I have a growers permit here inBay County Florida and registered with the county extension agency..I had to sue a neighbor for running a unlicensed car detailing place about 30 feet from my garden, cucmbers(60 plants), tomatoes, eggplant and many other vegetables were killed from all the polishes , tire cleaners  and car washing detergents running into my garden..he ended up paying me 18 thousand dollars for the damage at the agricultural potential of these veggies...I sell veggies as a soel means of support since retiring from painting due to back problems..This is the same as even fishing..if you take fish of illegal size and kill it..the Fish and wildlife commision can charge you for it's potential to reproduce if they want to..and fine you for more than just that one fish.. I wouldn't go poisioning trees..Become friends will be enjoying tons of avacados

  4. Try going to the town zoning board and complaining about "impending sight pollution" from the young trees. This has worked a few times.

  5. You can talk to them and explain your problem.  If they blow you off, that's all you can do.  Line of sight and view easements are rare and probably not applicable.

  6. I like the Round-up

    Good luck, and don't get caught.

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