
New news about autism and genes-what do you think?

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The genes aren't missing or disabled, they're "turned off" and can be turned on again.

As someone with Asperger Syndrome who is very limited due to sensory issues, I find this new research hopeful. What say those of you "NT's" w/autism as well as loved ones and friends of those with ASD's?




  1. This research offers a prime example of ONE of the causes of autism, and why early intervention can make a big difference in some cases.  I know in my younger daughters case her autism is genetic.  My older daughter, while not having autism, has plenty of similar characteristics, sensory issues, anxiety, attention issues, obsessive tendancies.  You can see similar issues in both my husband and myself, as well as in my sisters family.    

    I think this research is exciting and will hopefully lead the way to earlier diagnosis in those cases so that appropriate intervention can begin as soon as possible.   I don't think of it so much as "curing" or "fixing" someone with autism, but giving that person the best possible chance to overcome some of the more challenging aspects of their disorder.

  2. I think Kathi is right in that it offers ONE possible cause. Not all autisms are created equal, and scientists have recognized something like FIFTY genes that may or may not cause autism. Some of those genes are definitely missing in the studies where lab animals have autistic symptoms. This is just one more step, not a cure.

    As a mother, I would love to have my daughter tested to see if those genes are affected. She has donated blood to several studies, unfortunately, you never hear back from those universities. It would be nice if they'd share that info with the person who donated it.

  3. This is very hopeful for SOME forms of autism.  The reason I say 'some forms' is that not all autism is caused by faulty genes.  Sometimes autism is caused by environmental causes such as brain injury and in these cases a genetic explanation is not plausible.

    Read this.

  4. not before time is it  my eldest son has adhd which i was told for years that he was just naughty ........ lol now they think they can cur my nephew he has aspergers syndrome .............  lets see don't tell us actions speak louder than words  but yes its hopefully but is it false hope ?  i do hope not...but be very sceptical about the older children +adults ... baby's yes  but would you let em practise on your child  ....not me

  5. I don't believe in it.  My son has severe autism and we have done every therapy under the sun.  It is like a short circuit in his brain.  His brain is different from normal kids.  I don't believe in it being turned off genes.  I believe that vaccines have played a huge part in my son's autism.  I don't care what pediatricians and the CDC says.  Parents know more than anyone when it comes to autism.  There is no known cause or cure for autism.  Autism is life long and it can't be reversed.  My son was diagnosed ten years ago.  This is my life and I don't find this new research hopeful.  They are just grasping at straws.

  6. Any information about autistic spectrum disorders whether it be theories, studies, genetics whatever is great news.  The more we can keep autism a buzz word the more research there will be and closer to the answers.  It is very hopeful.  I am happy to see anything about autism anywhere even if I don't agree with it, just to get the info out there

    I do agree with Riley that they are grasping at straws but  I also believe that eventually we are going to stumble upon something that can really help.  I do think that no matter how much you do, some kids are not going to respond with great results.  Eustacia Cutler-Temple Grandin's mom told a friend of mine that it takes money to get a kid who is severely autistic to be functional.  I have seen this to some extent.  We have not spent "money" like that on therapies.  I estimate that in 5 yrs we have spent 12 thousand, 3 thousand was for homeopathic detox, and we stopped vaccinating before our oldest got everything, the other 2 kids aren't vaccinated at all.  We did report our oldest to vaers.  I know others who have spent 100 thousand.  This kid went from moderate/severe autism to PDD.NOS/asperger's is in reg. ed. no accommodations and at his worst was self-contained in an autism program

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