
New paranormal show?

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I saw previews on BBC America for a new paranormal show premiring (sp) on Feburary 16th. They give 2 strangers a digital camera and a video camera and at night they have to go to graveyards or haunted places. There are 2 teams and anyone who finds evidence wins $1,000. Crazy Britians! The show sounds so stupid! Anyone gonna watch it?




  1. I didn't know about that! But I will def check it out! Thanks!!

  2. I will watch it cause I like British television shows.

  3. Even if they show it in the US I won't.

  4. I don't know if I get the channel it will be on. This reminds a little of the show "Worlds Scariest Places" was that it? where they sent people in to spend the night at haunted places and they had cameras on their heads, kind of like Fear Factor for the paranormal.

    I give almost anything at least one chance so if I can I will watch it.


  5. i'll look at it but ur rite. it does sound stupid. but the brits always think of the stupidest shows!

  6. We Brits aren't so crazy we have you talking about the paranormal don't No seriously though I would love to be able to see the programme, I love anything paranormal, and often go out to reputedly haunted places, I set up my equipment and just wait for hours sometimes, I really do have some truly amazing footage and photos. I am in the process of putting lots of it on line, I'll keep you posted.

  7. If you find out when & what channel in USA it will be on...let us know. I'll try to watch it...but I don't care for shows that move that slowly. And, I don't see that a ghost will come out with all those cameras around. Even if the people only have small cameras..somebody will probably be there with a TV camera filming them! I'll give it a chance too Gotta be better than Most Haunted.

  8. I would not watch that.

    Be aware that advanced technology in pulsed microwave lasers and ultrasound weapons and communications systems can mimic 'paranormal' experiences. Security firms and university based stalking groups have access to these devices and use them. The main purpose is to promote mental illness type complaints and behaviour.

  9. sounds like an old show that flopped a long time ago.

  10. What's the show called?

    I want to see it,but i don't know what to look for.It probably won't be as good as Ghost Hunters on Sci fi anyway.

  11. It sounds like Ghost Hunters meets the Amazing Race.  That should be really, really interesting.  It should also be completely boring.  TAPS has all of the bells and whistles and they haven't produced a single shred of reliable evidence.  In that respect it shouldn't be any sillier than some of the more professional [sic] ghost hunters out there.
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