
New pedestrian walkways what do they mean?

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I am seeing more pedestrian walkways without stripes or beacons just broken white sidelines, do they give any legal protection rights to users




  1. A cross-walk is a cross-walk is a cross-walk!  They don't have to be painted at all!  Motorists are still legally obligated to yield to any pedestrian in a cross walk.

  2. You must yield and or stop to all pedestrians.

  3. You need to clarify your question.  A crosswalk that goes from one side of the road to the other crossing traffic is marked with solid white crossing bars.  If you are talking about the small path along side of the road in the same direction as the traffic, that is a bike path and not for pedestrians, that is what sidewalks are for.

  4. This is  a REALLY good question!

    As far as I can see, they have absolutely NO regulatory significance whatsoever....

    I think they're REALLY dangerous....

  5. As always, pedestrians have the right of way over any and all vehicles. If it is one of those walkways in the middle of the block, you can drive on by if nobody is crossing but you have to stop if there is.

  6. Actually yes. They treat these much like they would a school bus stop. The crosswalks with the broken white lines also normally have yellow flashing lights when people are walkinga across them. Everyone on both sides is supposed to stop and give the crosser complete right of way.

  7. they r places where people can cross

    just so they arnt j walking

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