
New piercing. please tell me if this is normal?

by Guest67157  |  earlier

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my tongue is kinda going numbish. i got the piercing done on Monday. and i had it checked out today by the professional who did it.. she said everything looked good.

is this normal for it to go a little bit numb. has it ever happened to anyone and then gone away?




  1. that happened to me like 3 days straight then it started going away. dont worry its normal..  

  2. Hunny, don't worry it is completely normal.  

  3. I just got mine done today and its doing that right now...I really hope its normal!

  4. yeha it happend to me .

    for about 2 weeks

    than it healed ..  

  5. I have had my tongue pierced for 3 years and I also had a second one done two other is not normal...he could have hit a should be very careful!!!

  6. yeah , i think it ok, i remember my bro couldnt talk for days, and he only had soups and juices... lol. i dont think he was one to clean it as advised but everything is fine now...... i think he culdnt talk because of numbness actually, but trust the expert, she should know best..

  7. Mine never did that. But it could be normal. I would go and get checked by your doctor just in case. Good luck, =]

  8. Yes, it's normal.  My tongue swelled up for 5 days to the point I could only ingest liquids and sounded like Elmer Fudd.

    If it continues to be a problem, I'd take it out.  No sense in risking nerve damage for the sake of a piercing.

  9. I don't know, but I'd be careful. There are alot of nerve endings in your tongue. Maybe the act of piercing it somehow damaged some of them? Hope it gets better!

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