
New piercings... can i do this .. please help?

by  |  earlier

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hello. i just got a new tongue piercing on Monday around 4:00-4:30. ive been taking very good care of it. everytime i eat i rinse with salt water and mouth wash. its in its healing process right now i can see the yellowish whitish stuff coming up. but i want to drink a little tonight. smirnoff ice.. coolers. about 6 is what i want. would u say its safe to drink. ive already had a couple sips and ive been fine. but im worried it'll puss up and get infected. what do u guys think. should i be ok. they told me to wait 48 horus but still




  1. you shouldnt have pus coming out after 3 days. u might wanna get that checked out.  

  2. Wow! You 're not serious... are you? As long as they are COLD you should be fine. Cold is good Hot is bad they should have told you that.

  3. wait u dont want the pain! and just to let u no tongue pierceings never heal

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