
New plant lover needs help?

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OK So I bought this Croton and the directions want me to water it once weekly and provide extra humidity by misting. It also says that I should fertilize it biweekly. Any tips on fertilizer brands and misting periods and exactly how much water is moderate would be helpful. I had this plant before and it died.




  1. Well I have learned that moderate means moist, not wet ; which is when the dirt does not hold in the moisture.  The water rides on top of the dirt.  As for fertilizer you can use Miracle GRo or cracked egg shells with coffee grinds.

  2. As a new plant lover, you have started with a difficult plant. It is a tropical plant and survives well outdoors in the South.  I suggest you keep the plant in a sunny area and don't over water it. The are not used to being in moist soil.

  3. I suggest going to the book store. or library and getting a book on house plants.  Not everybody has that green thumb.  i have an aloe plant that get sunlight on sat and sun. and it is getting huge.  Ever heard of plant growing without light.  It's a gift of the green......good luck

  4. keep  the dirt damp

    any kind of spray bottle--like an empty Windex bottle

    Miracle Gro fertilizer. Put a sppon full in a gallon of water. Water the plant with that.

    Thars  all you need to do. Dont go getting religious on me.

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