
New playstation user with question about playstation network please help?

by  |  earlier

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I have had an origonal Xbox for a long time and when they stopped making the games I bought a playstaion 3 just not to long ago. If never used xbox live or anything like it and I would like to no how to sign up to playstation network. well I know how but i dont know how to connect to my computer with that ethernet cord or whatever its called and I dont even know if I have one. Did it come with my playstation? is it with my computer? or do i have to buy it/ and will it reach my playsation is about(just estaimating i didnt messure it) 22 feet away.

Sorry for any typing mistakes I know there is alot




  1. you can set up the playstation network either wired or wireless to do it wireless you will have to have a router

    but if you want to do it wired you will have to buy a longer ethernet cable because the one supplied with the ps3 is about 2-3 foot long

    watch some of my videos for help  

  2. yes it does come wit da cord

  3. If you have a wireless router, you should be ok to go. The PS3 would have shipped with an Ethernet cord, though I have never used mine, and have no idea how long it would be. I am thinking not 22 feet. You would need to connect the Ethernet to your Modem, select the PSN Icon on the far right of the XMB (Cross Media Bar - Main menu) and follow the instructions.

  4. Well you can play on the Playstation Network (PSN) using two different methods. One is using the wifi which is built in to your ps3 all you need is a wireless router which will hook up too your computer and a modem. Or the second is called ethernet which is the black colored cable which did come with the ps3 if you bought it new. If you go with method 2 you plug the ethernet cable to the back of your modem. And no the cable won't reach 22 feet unless you buy the one from which is 50 feet for $12 good deal.

    -hope this helps  

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