
New poem! answer plez?

by Guest58754  |  earlier

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what do u think?

I had a ballon as my heart......

in which you filled with air,

made my hopes rise to the sky,

and soar around........

now I cry in my sleep,

look what you have done to me.

You took a pin and popped it,

and it can't be blown back up again,

it dropped to the ground like a lifeless bird..

never to fly again.

I thought you would be the one.....

the one who made me feel good.......

and happy...

but now I understand.....that......

I never will.

This my heart,

and it popped because of you.

Its called This Ballon is my heart.




  1. Cool!..i like :)

  2. It is filled with metaphor that hits hard and powerful.  

    Excellent poem.


  3. AWSOME..

  4. great stuff

  5. I liked it.

    Its very interesting and i could feel the emotions

    Good job! Cant wait to read more of your poems

  6. Wow.

    Thats all I can say!

    Its wonderful!

    I love at the end when you say: "This my heart,

    and it popped because of you."

    I really felt emotion, and I think some people can relate to the emotion and thought that you put into it. I also like how you added the ".....'s" like the dots, because it's makes me feel like, as I'm reading it, you really put emotion and it makes it seem like it's hard for you to talk!


    I'd like to hear more!

    Just email me @!

    You are really good!

    You should write a boook.

    No joke!

    Good Luck
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