
New race of people?

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With so many interracial unions occuring in the world. How long will it be before the phenotypes that result because of these unions become common place and not just rare occurances.

Such as asians (i.e. chinese and japanese) born with light eyes and blond hair.




  1. <I think we are always evolving into  a new race.a mixed one already, humans have been intermarried since the beginning of civilizations...there are no pure races, never really has been, and just as you see blonde hair blue eye Asians, there has been blonde hair blue eye  Native Americans.... People understand this...we have been here for tens of thousands of years...let us hope we don't regress to the point if unintelligible humans...

  2. Actually there already is. Hispanic is an example of just that. It covers a mix of European, Native,  Arab and African blood lines.  The result is a people who are genetically and feature wise distinctly different from the peoples who seeded their regions.  There are many sub groups within Hispanics that are a result of the mix present in that area.

    For example areas like Chile saw very few Africans imported and saw large European waves of imigration.  The early explorers and colinists from Spain were predomiently Moors or those with Moorish blood. By the time Chile was founded you saw more upper class Spanish and fewer Moors. As such areas like Argintnia, Chile and such have predomiently fairer skinned people who can often pass for European in ancestry.  In Southern Mexico the Spanish influence is often little more than a suggestion and the peoples there are often nearly pure Native in blood line. . In Panama and Hati large numbers of Africans were imported and the peoples there can often pass for African.

    All of these divergent groups are classed as Hispanic because of a shared culture.

    In Asia and Europe again you see wide divergences creating very distinct sub-types.  A European can often spot for example somebody with Strong Celtic or Northern European features. A Japanese is very distinct from a Chinese from a Korean from a Vietmese.

    Natives are thought to have come from the same peoples that eventually populated Mongolia and the plains of Russia and China. Yet seperated by the centuries they developed into a distinct groups of people. Again a Mayan looks very little like a Crow and a Nez Pierce isn't going to be confused with an Incan. Even peoples who inhabited the same lands had very distinct cultures and genetics. The Navajo and Apache for example. Very easy to distinguish between them at a glance.

    For a distinct sub type to develop however requires a certain amount of isolation. An artificial boundry and reasons to breed only within their own grouping. So for example with Derek Jeter and Mariah Cary you see a distinct mix that is neither Black or White nor is it really Hispanic. For that to develop into it's own group people like that would have to intermarry and continute to do so for generations.  The Moors are an example of such. In most of Africa the peoples were either African or Arab/European in ethnicity. The Moors were a mix of Arab and African with some European thrown in. Eventually a distinct people was produced that looked very much like Ghadafi. Pictures of Moors from the early 1900 and late 1800s very much resemble Ghadafi. However the Moors have long since been swallowed up and except for throwbacks like Ghadafi they almost don't exist as a group any more. Their culture obliterated by the Islamic culture or by Spanish culture. Their bloodlines in Spain and Central/South America absorbed into other populations.

    Eurasian actually is a group more likely to have success if they can find a distinct area to control. The features will be distinct enough to differentiate between other groups. If the populations are essentially 50/50 inittially a sustainable ethnic group could be created.  There was a chance for a distinct American ethnic group to have happened but the waves of Hispanic imigration are flooding the ethnic pool. Between imigration and a birth rate that exceeds all other ethnic groups combined you are seeing the potential for an American ethnic group destroyed.  

    Interesting concept, though I'm sure some idiot will scream racism at my answer. The subject is far too touchy. Nobody is claiming one group is superior. To deny that there are different ethnic groups is like saying there is no sun. There are ethnic groups and the potential for new ones to arise. Just in the last few hundred years one major ethnic group has arisen and three others have almost been obliterated.

  3. Why do you think East Europe/ West Asia have such pretty people?

  4. Interracial unions don't cause mutations.  They reduce it if anything.  About 100 years ago to answer the question.

  5. People like that already exist and have existed as long as humans have existed.  There have always been some Asians who have light eyes and hair, there have always been blacks with light eyes and light hair, etc.  There have always been mixed "race" people.  They're not a "new race."  There is no such thing as race; at least not the way that the average person understands race.

    They'll probably never have a much higher propensity for light eyes than they do now until there is has been so much intermixing that they're not really what we would recognize as Asian.  They're recessive traits and they don't manifest themselves unless there are two recessive genes to be had in the gene pool.  If will probably never die out completely because genes will always mutate but I would think that there would not be any particular increase as most genes are dominant even in whts.

    Sorry I didn't give you the answer that you're looking for but that's what I took from the way that understood the phrasing of the question.

  6. I know nothing of a new race? however I do know that children, (like myself) born from several different races tend to have a lower rate of mental, genetic and immune disorders even allergens. We should all be so lucky as to have a brown mother and a red father ;-)

  7. By the time human civilizations come that close together, there will likely be very little blond hair and light eye traits. This however, will take a long time as it will need to overcome racial barriers not only in America (the most ethnically diverse) but also in all other countries which are not as so. I would estimate more than 600 years for any significant progress to take place worldwide.

  8. it probable would but i think the genes that cause dark hair and eyes are stronger or so I've heard but good god did Rachael have to get soo pissy about it

  9. i am a new race. Its not just the phenotype, we can be a mixture of 2 culture, language and even religion with special and unique way of living and thinking
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