
New school... How to start talk??? ?

by  |  earlier

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After 5 days starts school and I`m stressed! I don`t know what to tell about me at the first day! I`m prety communicative but... Please, please help me... how to start talk?




  1. try asking a question about your new school to someone who looks relatively friendly. Try asking them where the nearest bathroom or where a certain classroom is or something and maybe that can get you started in a conversation. If you play sports or are good at something like art try joining a club or a team. Sports always requires communication in a team and if your good player others will like you. If you join an club there will be less students than in a normal classroom and it will be easier to talk to others with less people around. facebooks also a good way to get yourself known to others. Look for your school network and others who are in it and send them a private message that you are new to their school.

  2. Gradually get involved with your class mate, inquire about school and Sports facilities, Labs etc.

    With all the Best.  

  3. Sit with people at lunch that you haven't met or talk to classmates that sit next to you in class. Getting involved in extra curriculars (not just sports) will help TONS!

    Just an FYI: You are posting in the small business category and I haven't been in high school for over 7 years. It might be helpful posting in another category. To that end, I changed schools after 8th grade and knew no one. I got involved in band and started conversation with another fellow instrument player. That friendship still exists.

  4. so how bout that local sports team

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