
New school. New friends. please help ?

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Hi. I have moved school. i have been there for a term. Sometimes i feel as if nobody there really likes me, And I'm beginning to wounder if it was a mistake moving.

In my old school i had friends, Lots actually. But it was a really big school and if you weren't friends with somebody then they would pick on you and everything.

My new school is really small. And everybody is friends with everybody. Which is well nice.

Its a catholic school and is very stricked.

So Bullying is not tolerated there.

But i don't feel i fit in or anything in my old school i had lots of best friends and we all we all joked the same way. but in this school nothing they really speak about is like interesting and nothing i say really makes them interested.

And Yes. i do hang around with people there when i first moved they all used to talk and ask me things non-stop. but no they don't seem interested.

So i feel like nobody likes me and i don't fit in.

Is this normal ?

ANy advise on going back ?





  1. lol i was in this amazing school for 11 years and i thought i would graduate from there but my dad had to move so we all moved and it was so hard for me...a completely new atmosphere, i had no idea what i was gona do. but once i started, i decided to start conversations and i new it would be very very embarassin if i got shot down but i tried any way and simply by being more forward and outgoing and noticable, i got to know tonnes of kids who shared the same intrests as me and i got involved in societies and clubs and everything eventually fit in place...i still miss my old school but life goes on, it doesnt wait for you to feel comfortable in your enviorenment, so you have to make the most of what you've got k.and remember, EVERYTHING HAPPNS FOR A REASON.hope it all works out for u.gudluck

  2. wait is the name of the school st. anthony of padua?  

  3. It is completely normal, don't worry.  It's not easy moving schools and having to make new friends, and it takes time.  There's obviously nothing wrong with you - you had friends at your old school so you must be a likeable person.  It does take a while and a bit of effort to settle into a new group of friends who already have known each other for years.

    They probably talked to you more at the beginning out of curiosity and because you were new - now you're less new they have probably stopped making the effort a bit, as you're less of a novelty and they probably assume you feel settled by now.

    I'm sure people there do like you, but you need to make the effort to talk to people as you have more at stake than they do.  Just be yourself and take an interest in other people - ask them questions about themselves, as everyone loves to talk about themselves.  Maybe try and invite yourself to social things outside school.

    Just give it a bit of time, I'm sure you will settle in and make good friends.

  4. Yeah, I'm in the same situation you are. I started high school last year...


    You'll find better friends by being who you really are, and getting involved in the things that you love than when you are trying to be popular. Just because you might not be abundant in friends doesn't mean you can't have any.

    I made 7 great friends and two of them best friends last year, even though I'm not really accepted into the cliques or anything.

    Good luck girl! Keep trying!

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