
New school help ???????

by Guest57409  |  earlier

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Im in year 8 in UK ( I'm 13 ) No idea what that is in USA 9th grade ?


Im starting a new school...I AM SO NERVOUS.

How do you make conversation with new people especially boys & not make it aukward ?

Also there is going to be boys there because its co-ed I had known the people at my old school since i was 3 ! So the boys always felt like brothers..kinda.

Any advice on making new friends ?

XAny help appreciated




  1. Just try and find something in common. last year i was in a new school and i know I'm shy with new people. so i hung out with my friends that i knew and we met some people from the teachers putting us in groups,assigning seats, and making partners

  2. I've changed schools a few times. I was really nervous the first time too. Just try and smile at everyone you see, they will think you're really friendly and approachable. If you're not given someone to show you around school, ask if you could have a buddy for the day. That way you get to know your way around the school and then you can sit with your buddies group of friends at lunch and intervil. You could also try joining cultural or sport groups to make new friends. Just smile and let people know that you're new. Ask people for directions if you get lost around the school.

    Good luck!


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