
New school =)?

by  |  earlier

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I just moved from italy to Oklahoma and i haven't been to the states in....3 i was wondering if anyone could tell me what junior high (9th grade) is like in the states. I am 14. Thanks!! =)

BTW i was in an american school just not in america so things were different.




  1. Ok. 9th grade is NOOOOT junior high. It's high school- you'll be a freshman.

  2. well i cant tell you cause im going to 9th grade this year too! but im sure its exciting(:

    have fun!

  3. it was a pretty easy year, i had a couple crazy teachers and a lot of boring ones. by far junior year is the hardest. im sure you'll do fine, as much as the seniors tease the freshman they're pretty helpful if you have a question. the teachers are good about answering your questions too. i wouldn't stress about it too much, the first day will seem crazy but it will get boring pretty quick after that lol. i would recommend getting there about 15 mins early so you can find your first class or your locker so you don't feel completely disoriented. good luck :)
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