
New school troubles...?

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my dad is in the military so I'm used to going to a new school every few years, but they are usually all military kids so there are a few new people a year. but my dad recently got orders and where he went my mom didn't want to go, so we moved to the town she grew up in, and its a small town where everyone knows everyone and they all grew up together. so I'm used to the whole new school thing but the first day i was shaking and then today i was so nervous i had to go home. it might have something to do with the fact that my mom is in the same building less than like 30 feet from me, i don't know, everyone is rude and gives me weird looks because im new if i ask if i can sit at the lunch table with them they say sure and i sit and they all get up and leave. my brother goes to a private school and i didn't go because i thought i would like public school, now i want to go to private school but we don't have a lot of money right now because my dad isn't living with us. so i don't know what to do every time i think about having to go back to school there i feel sick and i start crying (pathetic, i know). i would rather be home schooled then have to go back to the school, i know im rambling and i don't know if im making any sense but if you can understand what im saying if you can offer any help i would really appreciate it.

oh and i can't miss any school, i can only miss 5 days of school a year or i will fail. thanks for any help.




  1. Is it possible that your mom could home-school you or that you could go to a house near by that home-schools kids? Im sorry...I don't think that helps much but I feel bad for you and I'll pray for you

  2. huni listen dont u dare let those kids scare u.. just mind ur own buisness focus on ur school work.. in class u dont need to talk to anyone unless ur in a group project wich im sure u can deal with. and at lunch maybe see if theres a table with only 1 or 2 or 3 people at it and sit at the table next to theres and maybe u can start a convo with someone.. ur new, ur guna be a little loney the first few days.. but u can do that! i know u can. maybe in class u can try talking to someone.. or in between class u can try talking to someone.. u can try making friends with guys too. it might be easier to talk to the guys actualy since girls are such b*tches. dont worry about it too much im sure u'll eventualy make friends. if they;re not nice than thats their problem not urs!

  3. I feel for you, i hate those nervous situations.

    Right you need to pull yourslf together and be the confident fun person you clearly are.

    You've done this b4, you've been the new girl and you've made friends, and you've coped (im guessing seeing as you wantd public school) so you can cope again.

    People always spot the new person, they are intrigued and interested, and a little jealous because they aren't the focus of attention anymore.

    Be yourself, chat to people, and act like you don't give a d**n if people leave when you sit down. People are attracted to confidence, so if your not feeling it and trust me we have all been ther (at least twice day haha!) fake it!

    Im sorry things aren't good at home but thats anuva good reason to make new mates you can confide in.

    Don't worry about your mum being around just tell her not to hang around you during a school day (don't hurt her feelings just explain that other kids will think your a baby) etc

    What is the worst that could happen!

    Good luck and smile :-)

  4. If it's a small town you can probably impress them with mundane things that you've learned elsewhere. Talk about the grandeur of New York City (even if you've never been there) and how classy people are there. Bring in junk and talk about the exotic place you got it from.

    Another approach is be extremely thug. Most people in a small town probably aren't familiar with anyone or anything from the city except for what they see on television. Get yourself some baggy clothes, gold chains, and some grills. People may not stop to talk to you but they would gladly give you their money since they will naturally assume that you're going to rob them.

  5. Just go, be smart, be nice, and you'll make new friends and/or acquaintances. Perhaps nobody is giving you a second look because they are so used to the friends they have. Small towns aren't usually open to new people. Try friendly conversations with the people who don't look at you in a weird way. Just be as nice as possible!

  6. just be your self  don't mind the ugly faces or anything they say and it might be cause your mom is 30 feet from you but just try to forget bout it i  am home schooled and its fun but you don't make as many  Friends but just be your self and soon or later they like you but you just got to be your self

  7. They aren't just use to having new kids at school. Try to ignore the rude ones, and be confident. Shake off those weird looks people keep giving you, who knows they might be jealous!

    In class or during lunch talk to someone near by. Start with something simple, and start to increase more to the conversation. Talk to almost everyone you see. You can't be shy just confident and happy. Don't just talk to one person and stick to her, they may get annoyed with you. Smile and do small talk then just walk away. You want people to be more interested to you and come back to talk to you more. People like to talk about themselves, and their life stories. So start with something simple about themselves first, and nod and keep eye contact as they talk. Make them know you are listening and interested. Interrupt them in the middle of them talking to you about a story, and say you have to go and you will talk to them later. You will then met them again and talk more instead of 1 conversation with them.

    If there are bullies pushing you around, walk away and smile. The bullies will stop knowing you don't care and it won't be much fun making fun of you.

    Try not to annoy anyone, be social butterfly, and then make them come to you. Don't go up to them every time you see them, or try to look for them. If you do want to talk or look for them, when you find them, casually walk and pretend you just noticed them there and wanted to talk.

    Another way if joining a club or sport. You never know, you might meet someone with the same interests as you!

    Good luck, hope this helps!


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