
New skate shoes, which ones should i buy?

by Guest64353  |  earlier

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okie dokie.. my mom hates my old shoes & she's making me buy new ones, i'm almost positive on the brand i want. i'm thinking i'm gonna buy adio. i narrowed it down to 5 choices. now tell me which ones should i buy.









  1. I would buy numba 3 cause they are super awesome shoes. I really want to get those. Good luck with new shoes If you are going to skate in them get fallen rippers, I have skated them hard for 2 months and are barely starting to rip. It may not seem long to a nonskater but if you skate that's a pretty long time!  Don't get emerica ar slims if you plan to skate them cause they rip and BAD!

  2. wow they are all pretty much the same, almost EXACTLY the same. The first pair i guess

  3. Way to be like super boring...

    The 5th ones...because they are the best ones there...

  4. neither, get some nike sb, lakai, or emericas please.

  5. 4 !

  6. they all look exactly the same just with a different sign or color at the bottom..

    ok the best shoes i have skate thus far are es and fallens..


    they are very comfortable and last forever..

    or if u dont want to spend money, just buy some vision street wears..

    they are actually are pretty good, and are cheap..


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