
New @ snowboarding?

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anyone have any tips or advice on to snowboard lol?

i'm nervous..




  1. 1.Do not fall on your side! Fall on your butt, if you fall anywhere else but on your back/butt/behind then you can REALLY hurt yourself-break some bones!

    2.It's not like skateboarding... Don't listen to those type of people who tell you that!

    3.ALWAYS make sure your shoes are strapped in all the way.. you can sprain your ankles or even break your foot!

    4.DO NOT hold your hands out when falling! Cross them on your chest like an X... You can break fingers and wrists if you don't.

    5.Bend your knees and KEEP A GOOD POSTURE while going on the ground.

    6.To stop.. You dig the edges of the snowboard on the ground (or fall on your butt.. lol)..keep the edges up and sliding on the snow while in motion.

    *I hope this helps you!

    **Hope I didn't scare you that much.. if you just remember those tips you will be safe.

    ***Have a good time!!!!!!!!!

    -Daphne :D

  2. dont be scared to turn . you just gotta do it

  3. Um take a class at whichever place you go to :P. 1 on 1 would probably be the best. Practice, get a wrist guard, knee pads and a butt pad would prevent injuries or sorenss.

  4. Having someone who snowboards would help alot.  But snowboard is a sport that you just have to really figure it out by yourself.  It's all about how you position yourself and how you shift you weight.

    Start off by identifing which side you are most comfortable riding (Goofy or Regular).   Goofy is right foot forward and Regular is left foot forward.  This is important because your foward foot is where you put your weight on which let you controll your board.  You'll probably find yourself leaning towards the back as new people usually do because it's normal because they don't want to lean foward going down.  Try to not lean back, leaning back will create more issue and less control of your board.  Once you done with this, moving to the hill and what type of hill to practice.  


    I recomment starting on a medium type hill.  One that is not too flat or one that is not too steep.  Why?  If it's too flat, you find yourself just riding it like a surf board all the way down the hill (thinking you master it).  Start with a hill that is steep so you can start going down using with your board turn and your body facing the bottom of the hill.  This is how you normally stop or slown down.  By going down like this down the hill several time you'll start to feel the board.  This also help you by not feeling every 2 sec and hurting yourself.   By feeling the board you'll be more comfortable riding it and you won't find yourself in this awkward stance, looking like you going to fall before you actually fall.  

    First few times you'll find yourself going left and right and not really riding one way. ZIG ZAG.  

    Next time... keep riding and later on, you'll find yourself how to TOE and HEEL.  Someone learn how to TOE first and some learn how to HEEL first.  This is common.  As long as you are progressing you are fine.

  5. Make sure you keep the edges above the snow when turning, or it will dig into the ground.

    When going straight, try to balance on one edge instead of going flat on your board, this prevents catching edges.

  6. Take a lesson.  Take a lesson.  Take a lesson.  Take a lesson.  

    No amount of reading or watching videos on youtube will prepare you for boarding.

    Don't worry about looking cool because you're going to spend the first few days falling over often.  Everyone looks the same bundled up on the hill.  Wear warm waterproof clothes and don't put anything in your pockets that could break or hurt you if you fall on them.

    Just have fun and know that you'll be sore at the end of the day.  You'll pick it up in a few days and then it'll all be gravy.

    "When in doubt, ride it out!"

  7. Yep, a 1 on 1 course, then stick to the same easy stupid slope for 2 days, until you know every single bump and how to take it w/o falling. Don't forget, take a helmet, I've seen two identical mountains once.......

    Then, don't think about what others think when they see you fall. TRY to fall and see how you can fall w/o really hurting yourself. Once you're not afraid for falling, you'll be more relaxed...

    Rent a board, but check if the edges are not blunt, the top layer is not loose etc....AND don't forget, you'll have a ball once you can really takeoff. I started at 40, so if I can master it....why couldn't you?
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