
New sound system for cars.?

by  |  earlier

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hey i have a 2003 vw passat and i have a ipod hookup for my iphone and stock speakers. my question is simply how can i get my car louder. if i put new speakers in would it help ? i dont want a whole system with blasting bass. i dont listen to much rap and when i do i dont need the extra effect just dont have the money. i listen to mostly metalcore/metal. if there is a possibility to get my car louder what can i do without buying subs amps and all that ? ...thanks




  1. you could probably buy some speakers that your stereo can support but that wouldn't help much; you would feel the difference with a 4 channel amp and speakers, you don't need t buy expensive things just whatever suits you

  2. Turn the volume up?

    If you want it to be louder without distortion you'll have to invest in some good speakers ( I suggest Infinity) and a good 4 channel amp.

  3. Q: my question is simply how can i get my car louder.

    A: Cut off your muffler.

    Start with a good quality four channel amplifier installed to amp up the music. Even if you have a factory radio still, there are easy ways to integrate one.

    Try that as your first solution to louder.

    Keep the stock speakers for now if they sound fine - if you only want louder.

    As a previous poster mentioned, if you want to begin to upgrade sound quality - you need to invest in quality speakers at some point.

    And do not be so fast to discount subwoofers as a viable option. Even Computer speaker systems have subs now.

    Besides - If you can't hear it before you see it - whats the point?

    T K O

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