
New <span title="Glasses...Headache...Dizzyness....???">Glasses...Headache...Dizz...</span>

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I just got my new glasses 2 days ago. I started wearing glasses 3 years ago but i broke them 2 years ago and i haven't worn glasses since then...and since i got my new glasses i've been having killer headaches and i started getting dizzy this morning.. i start feeling dizzy just out of no where...its either because of my glasses or im getting sick.... i can see alot better though now...




  1. this is normal its going to happen for a couple of days your eyes just neeed to get use to the new change.. just deal with it.. it will go away and youll be bak to normal as if nothing happend

  2. it is average

  3. this is average, its going to last about a week, your eyes are starting to adjust to the glasses, dont take them off, let your eyes get used to them. think about it this way, you see a completely different site on with your glasses on, your brain isnt used to the clearness so it takes a while. this is very common, and if your headaches get very strong, see your doctor or take your glasses off for a bit.

  4. I agree that it sometimes takes a few days to adjust to a new pair of glasses, but I have had one pair that I never did get used to, and when I finally got a new pair, it turned out that the old pair was not made correctly, so I would not tolerate the dizziness and headaches for much longer than a week before I took the glasses back.

  5. it&#039;s average to take a while to get used to new glasses, they&#039;ll hurt for a while and you will be dizzy...but if it lasts for more than a week or so then the perscription might be too strong and you should go back to the eye doctor to get a lighter perscription...but wait another week until you take action

  6. You have to get used to wearing them. The headaches will eventually go away. You&#039;ll be ok.

  7. Dizzyness and headaches are normal - try them out for a good week before you decide they&#039;re not right for you.  Sounds like you should&#039;ve been wearing glasses for the past 2 yrs.  Your eyes have more than likely gotten worse from straining and you need to force your eyes to adjust.  If you still feel this way after about a week, go back to the dr. - they may need to decrease your prescription.



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