
New subs!! i need help!?

by  |  earlier

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ok i just got 2 15inch memphis subs how can i run 2 amps to them? i thank the amp is a uarl or somethang like that and it has about 1000 watts on it and i wanna get a nother amp for then and how do i hook it up? thanks.




  1. You need a power, ground, and remote wire going to each amp,  you need RCA cables going to each amp as well, you can just hook them both up to the back of the head unit or hook one up and hook RCAS from one amp to the other (if you have outputs).  and im guessing your just hooking up one sub to each amp... so that pretty much explains it.

  2. dude just go to a car audio store it you save you alot of time and work

  3. read the manual

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