
New suggestions for treating popeye on my goldfish.?

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I have tried two different cycles of medicine (Maracyn & Maracyn-2) and neither has been effective. Any suggestions for a stronger medicine?




  1. In addition to keeping the water cleaner to alleviate stress, you might try Maracyn TC or TC Tabs.  Tetracycline is a very broad spectrum antibiotic and should be quite effective against the infection.  Also, make sure you remove any activated carbon from the filter during treatment, as the carbon will remove the medication from the water.  Also, the lights should be turned off during the treatment as tetracyclin (and minocycline in Maracyn 2) degrades under exposure to light.

  2. Have you tried improving his water quality and his diet? Sometimes vitamin deficiencies or high nitrate levels can cause popeye.

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