
New tennis player?

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i am going to be a freshman next year and i was thinking of joining my schools tennis team. i havent really played before besides with my family just kind of playing. dont get me wrong i know how hard tennis is!!!!! but i need to know all the rules, when exactly the season is, and how the scoring works. if you can help me at all please!!!!!!!





  1. There are a lot of rules, but if you only try to play a game, here are some simple rules for you to play.

    You have to serve overhead cross court in the service box, I hope you have seen a tennis court before.  

    Then if you serve it in, the ball is in play.

    There are two line at each side, the inner two is for the single game, and the outer one is for the doubles.  You have to let your opponent make a mistake(hit out or net), or don't let them touch the ball.

    The score keeping is like 15-0, 30-0, 40-0.  

    If you have 40-40, it is call deuce, it means you have to win by two points.

    You have to get six games in a set, like 6-0, 6-1.  If you got to 5-5, the final set score should be like 7-5, or 7-6.

    If you get to 6-6, tie breakers begin.  Whoever get 7 points win, like 7-5, 7-2.  If you have 6-6, you have to win by two.

    I hope these tips help you.

  2. There are a lot of rules, but if you only try to play a game, here are some simple rules for you to play.

    You have to serve overhead cross court in the service box, I hope you have seen a tennis court before.

    Then if you serve it in, the ball is in play.

    There are two line at each side, the inner two is for the single game, and the outer one is for the doubles. You have to let your opponent make a mistake(hit out or net), or don't let them touch the ball.

    The score keeping is like 15-0, 30-0, 40-0.

    If you have 40-40, it is call deuce, it means you have to win by two points.

    You have to get six games in a set, like 6-0, 6-1. If you got to 5-5, the final set score should be like 7-5, or 7-6.

    If you get to 6-6, tie breakers begin. Whoever get 7 points win, like 7-5, 7-2. If you have 6-6, you have to win by two.

    hope this can help

  3. 1.SURE JUST START WITH A FORE HAND. go hire a tennis court at a tennis club. about $15 in aussie. Then go with your dad or sumthing and they will teach you. Or go on a wall. first thing is u have to hold the grip propely. hold it liek a frying pan. Remember!!!!!! hold your raquest at the bottom of the grip.Then swig ur racquet bak. then step across with your left foot to the right and swing overe your shoulder.

    2.Back hand. NOw this one is a bit tricky but u will get use to it. hold your grip like a frying pan with your right hand. then put your other hand on top of your other hand. then step acrross with your right foot to the left. and swing over you shoulders.

    3. vollying. hold your grip like a forehand and over here you dont swing you just punch.and step across.

    4.Smash when the ball is up high. here is ur chance to kill the ball. go where the balls going. for biginners w8 till the ball bounces down then swing down to your knee.WARNING DO IT ACROSS YOU KNEE!!!!

    5.serve. now you have to face to your right. now look where you have to move your raquet. chop your toes with your raquet pretend. scratch you back. throw ther ball up in the air and swing and follow through.

    Now those are the main things you have to do. remember practice makes perfect!!! Im tennis champ i got 79 trphies and im only 11 turing 12 this year. :D
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