
New to Boating...need help...I have a 1990 I/O V6 Four Winns Freedom Cuddy?

by Guest62391  |  earlier

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It starts right up but when I put the trim all the way down and give it gas the nose raises way up and no matter how much throttle I give it wont speed up the nose just stays in the air and RPM go way up but it wont level out and get up to speed...I have tried the trim in all positions and it has kicked in a few times and really cruised! But only when it wants to...what am I doing wrong?




  1. First thing is don't worry this will be easy to straighten out.There are only 2 things that may be wrong.The first is it may have the wrong prop

    and the second is driver error.To find out witch I'll try and explain how you should be driving and then you will know what is wrong.When you are starting off,make sure your drive is right down.Then put it in gear and give it full throttle.Once the boat gets up on plain you can pull the throttle back to a speed you wish to drive at.If the boat does not get up on plain then you have the wrong prop and will need to change it to one with a smaller pitch.I am not positive but the I think your RPM's should be between 4800-5200 at full throttle.I hope this helps and good luck.

  2. The size and weight of the boat is a big determining factor here. So is water conditions. If it's a pretty large boat, 21' or bigger, it's not going to be a speed demon. 25-30 MPH is all your going to get. On smooth as glass water it will get there pretty quick. If there is any chop at all it's a drastic difference. The more chop, the longer it will take to get up to speed.  

  3. sounds like you have the wrong size prop to me

  4. sounds to me like you are trimming up way to much, it only takes a little trim  

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