
New to a high school?

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so im going to this high school and umm i basically dont know any one there

everyone says its a good skool so my mom forced me to go to it..

any one has some good ideas for making new friends

maybe at a class?

cuz i dont wanna be lonley in the caf:P





  1. I know how you feel I went to like 4 different schools, If you're a shy person then force yourself to talk to many people, if you're already very talkative then it will be easy. The easiest thing to do is make friends with someone who sits next to you in one of your classes.

  2. being shy and quiet would be your biggest mistake (It was mine) :]

    You just have to go and be friendly. Start talking to people and ask to sit with them, and try to fit in.


  3. talk a lot i didnt have friends on my first day so i talked next day it worked

  4. Small talks is always a good starter. Ask them some questions that you're stuck on and/or ask them something about the school: "How do you like (insert school name)? I'm new here and was just wondering." And start your convo from there. It'll flow naturally. Don't forget to introduce yourself!

    Be friendly; smile and wave to people you pass by that you're familiar with - like someone in your math class that you've briefly talked to. Acknowledge them and they'll most likely will always acknowledge you back. :)

    Participate in clubs, any activities that you get a chance to. Easiest way to get involve with people, and people with your interest!

    Like what Jamiee said, don't be -too- quiet or shy. Aha, it was also my biggest mistake in school. D:

    I'm somewhat in the same boat as you right now. New school for me: larger people, larger crowds. College = overwhelming. But I forced myself to bring up any small talks as much as I can and be more "outgoing" to send them friendly vibes, and it worked. Good luck to you!

  5. ya.. just talk to people. talk to people who are sitting close to you in your classes.. make sure they know that you're new to the school and that you don't know anyone. i'm sure they'll invite you to eat/ hang out with them.

    talk about the class, ask them questions. try and find something to talk about that you both like?

    maybe pick someone who looks shy and not very talkative? maybe it'll be easier for you to talk to themmmm.

  6. Don't worry. Your not alone, I'm going from a private school to a public school and I know noone. A good tip that someone told me is to walk up to someone that looks familiar and say, "Hi, I'm ______,  I'm from your English class, mind if I sit here?".

    Your not the only one there, I'm sure, if it a highschool and there are going to be many private schools who end at 8th grade going to a public school

    Good luck!
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