after I scan, I get a big list of mostly tracking cookies. some say they are moved to the vault but when I go there by hitting tools, these files are not there, also the stuff that goes to the vault do I hit delete or is it already preventing the stuff from doing harm in a kind of holding pen.
when I go to warning on the scan page, I see the list of items (cookies) but not sure have to delete them or do I delete the threats the scan turns up which are mostly cookies...clicking on removing all unhealed infections does not seem to get them off there
I hate the new version 7.5 was much easier but no more updates Please advise me as to what the functions are after the scan is over are to get rid of the stuff the scan turns up Trojans cookies and what not..or is there a link or video that takes one set through steps through how to work this new avg (I do not want avast as I tried and could not figure it out)..are thee the only two good free antivirus detectors