
New to contacts?

by  |  earlier

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well three days ago i got my first pair of contacts. my left eye is awsome so clear i dont even know im wearing one. but my left one is still blurry and i can feel it. i account that to it being blurry and makeing my eye strain. i caint figure it out i think its the wrong perscription. i go back on monday to get a check up after my first week. i hope it resolves itself kuz i dont want to put out more money. aney one with a simler expreince or something to help. or just some advice. plz help.




  1. First make sure ur contacts aren't flipped inside out...that happens sometimes. ALso check to make sure it's for the correct eye. Ur eyes might be different straighths and u wouldn't want to wear the right contact in the left eye. Clean it, it may be dirty or it may be the wrong perscription. I would deffinetly mention it if it doesn't get better. Good luck

  2. I know that my soft contacts can flip inside-out.  If you are putting it in with the wrong side against your eye, it can be very irritating.  Also, any slight tears in the edge of the contact can cause irritation and blurriness.  Look carefully at the contact for a fully cupped shape and clear edges.  If the edges are slightly bowed out, try flipping it over. may just not be the correct lens for that eye.  Good luck!

  3. Check the lens it may be ripped or have a tear in it. Your eye should not be that irritated. I would make sure to fully clean the blurry lens and make sure that there is nothing defective about it. If you have any extra lenses try putting another one in your eye after letting your eye rest over night. If you are still having problems even with the new lens then go see your doctor.
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