
New to martial arts?

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i am new to martial arts. i am 21 years old, so i'm getting a late start. i've always loved UFC and whatnot, so now i've decided to take up Judo. I've been doing Judo for about one month now, and the movements are still difficult for me to understand. When will they start to flow naturally?

But my main question is, I also want to take up boxing. The problem is, the boxing gym in my area has class overlapping with Judo. So, I would only be able to go to 1-2 classes per week instead of the 2-3 offered. What should I do? Take both? focus on one? Any advice? I wish they were on different days...




  1. lol, thats always the sign of someone new to the martial arts, thinking your a lil late. Well worry no more, you could be 60 and still start, its never too late.

    your problem right now is getting the concept of Judo. If its the techniques, you just gotta practice with a friend (and supervisor) a jillion times so you can be a master at it. It will flow, you just have to have the "want" inorder to feel that fightin spirit. if Im not mistaken, Judo's important concept is controlling the momentum and going with it rather than fighting it.

    as for boxing, GREAT!! you'' learn not only a throwing martial art, but a striking one as well. try Judo for a couple of more months until u feel comfortable with the basics, THEN you can try boxing. Boxing is a little more physical demanding and the workouts can be strenuous. Train your body lighter with some Judo until you reach a certain level of physical Kung Fu (Kung Fu really means,"high level of achievement") and you can freely start boxing, hope i helped out

  2. First a question. Doesn't your Judo class cover stand up fighting game? If it does, you should be plenty "fed" in the area of striking combat. Judo fighters are well respected in almost any environment because their training tends to cover extensively all areas of the fight.

    If you feel like you're not getting everything you can out of your training you may need to mix it up. Switch to half Judo half Boxing. It's sad if you are only being trained about what to do when on the ground. it's true all fights end on the ground, but typically that's becausee that's where you fall when you get knocked out!

    Don't quit one style altogether to train another, that's how bad habits are formed and presious training is lost.  

  3. Finish judo then train in boxing,learn ground/floor fighting,UFC ends up on the ground/floor quickly.Its up to you.

  4. Well, that would largely depend on you. Are you more interested in boxing or judo? The moves of either are going to feel strange to you at first and will take time to get used to, so you are going to be in the same boat either way there. And how long it takes for any particular movement to start to feel natural or flowing depends on you. You will find movements in many arts that will come to you fairly naturally and quickly and other will just give you fits. Don't worry it isn't you; that's just life and martial arts is no different than any other aspect of life somethings come quickly and easily others drag out and are quite difficult.

    I would for the time being recommend against doing both at the same time. I would instead suggest that you get comfortable with one and then maybe try to add the other in. At least that way you are not doubly confusing yourself. If some of your Judo moves are giving you problems than you would be compounding the problem by adding whole new series of movements to it. Plus there is a vast amount of difference between the 2 and may puch you more towards frustration and that will rob you of your desire to do one or maybe even both.

    Just my opinion and you may be able to make it work for you.

    Late start....well maybe compared to some, but 21 isn't late in too much of anybodies book.

    Good luck!!!

  5. Well, try taking both at first. If you like them both the same take both (they're pretty different). But if you really like one more than the other pick wich ever one you like more.

  6. you decide

    do watever you like more
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