
New to public school.. help!?

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I have gone to a small private school for a long time and just started at a medium sized public school (1200). At my old school I only had one textbook and now I have 5! I only have four minutes so I can't go to my locker between all my classes but I barely have room in my backpack, and it weighs 22 pounds with only four of them in it! What should I do?




  1. u better buy another bag that fits all your books and notebooks.. here in the philippines, lockers are not common in public school.. we use big bags to fit are things..

  2. Well....... At my school we get in trouble if we go to our locker in between classes and we are not allowed to carry a back pack. Try looking at your schedule and see if you really need to carry all those books around. Maybe some of the books you are carrying around you don't even use in the morning. Leave those extra books in your locker and take them out after lunch......... Hope this helps! Oh yeah and maybe you could try lifting weights....haha

  3. first you should just pack the first 3 books that you need for your morning classes, then after lunch when you may have a little extra time, swap out your backpack for your last classes, then at the end of the day just stop at your locker and take home just the books you need for the night. good luck!

  4. Heres a tip cause i have the same problem, Go to your locker before or after lunch and get the books youll need for the second half of the day. Or carry two books in your arms with the rest in your bag, rushing is a pain, some teachers offer students an option to leave there books in there class, so talk to your teachers and tell the that you cant to it. Or your principle.

  5. I say go with what P@t says...but also when I was in school I just checked which of my friends had a locker by my classes and stuck the books for that part of the day there.

  6. Ive gone to public school all my life.

    what i do is go to my locker in the morning, get the things i need for my first 4 classes. I go back 5 th period, because that is the closest class to my locker i get what i need for 5 and 6 go back before lunch get what i need for 8 (class is right next to my locker)  then i go before the last bell.  Look at your schedule and try to determine when your classes are close to your locker, then go.  Try to make a schedule around it.

    best of luck.


  7. Wow that's nuts.  My kids have a book that stays home and one that stays in the class room for them to use there.  Maybe you can ask the school to implement that

  8. 1st bro, you gotta get a bigger bookbag, second just chill and if you need extra time just go to your locker and if youre late for class just say youre new and aren't used to being here. also explain that you come from a small private shcool. peace bro

  9. you gotta like map out your schedule, either mentally or on a school map. Like usually I would stop at my locker before lunch, when it doesn't matter if your late, or if you pass your locker on the way to other classes. Just figure out when you can stop at your locker like that, and carry the books you need until you stop there again. Also, some teachers give you books, but you might never use them in the classroom. I've had quite a few classes like that. They give it to you so you can use it at home, but they have a class set to use in the classroom.

  10. My mom had the same problem when she got to public school.  She noticed that lots of other students were actually having the same problem, with the lockers being too far away from the classrooms.  Your best bet is to see if some of your classmates are sharing your concerns, and then you might have a strong enough voice to get something done about it (e.g. a longer break between classes, or something similar.)

    Hope this helps!

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