
New to rock climbing and have some questions for y'all?

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I have a couple questions:

1. I don't have anyone to go with yet. I guess for now I can just do bouldering at the gym, and maybe I'll meet someone there who can belay for me? Any recommendations on finding a partner?

2. The membership at my local gym is $350/year. What equipment will I need to buy on top of that (shoes, harness, etc.) and how much should that set me back?

3. I felt awesome when I came out of my first lesson yesterday because the instructor was giving me all kinds of praise. But I'm not sure if he was just trying to get my business! He said, "You're lying - there's no way this is your first time" and "Is there anything you can't climb?" I got all the climbs on my first try, never fell, and I did a 9.6 and a 9.7. So, is that good or was he just playing with me?




  1. 1. Your local gym may have a bulletin board, the multiple ones I go to do

    post a note saying you're looking for a partner, or just stop and talk to a bunch of people at your gym

    they're usually pretty nice.

    2. You'll definitely need your own harness, that'll be like $40. You can get by for now without your own shoes, but that's next on the list.. Those will put you back anywhere from $60-$120, chalk bags are important, but not necessary for a new climber. (unless you have crazy sweaty hands).

    I've been climbing for 6 years and I only use my chalkbag half the time.

    3. a 5.6-5.7 is pretty d**n decent for a first timer

    especially since you said you were 115 lbs? So i'm gonna go ahead and assume you're tiny (I'm the same way)

    Depending on how the gym has their ropes set up, your husband can belay you. If they have anchors or if their ropes are double looped over the bars you'll be fine.

    The heaviest person I've ever belayed on a double looped rope is 200 lbs and I'm 115

    Talk to the people at the gym and other climbers, they should be psyched to spread their knowledge.

    Welcome to the climbing community! Have fun!

  2. my g/f and I climb together and she's 110lbs and I'm 200lbs.  no probs yet.  

    you shouldn't have any trouble finding someone to belay for you... at our gym if you show up alone, you can always ask one of the gym staff to belay you for a few routes and they have a few automatic belay stations.  

    as for your equipment, standard harness and shoes should set you back about 125-150.  chalk bag and chalk around 20-25, couple of locking biners about 25, and you should have your own belay device, a decent ATC runs about 20-30

    Oh, and not to crush your dreams, but 5.6 and 5.7 are beginner routes.

  3. 1. look for a partner at the gym, craigslist(seriously it works), or facebook

    2.your first year of equipment and membership will probably set you back a good $650-$900 depending on brand and type of deal you get.  i would shop around a bit for some good deals

    3.first of all your half right about your instructer he is really trying to get your business  but then again he is right that you are doing great for you first time

  4. The answers above are totally right. I'm also new in rock climbing, and I'm also trying to find a climbing partner. I'm from Surrey, BC, Canada. (female)

  5. 1. Gym buddies are great also try finding someone at the climbing shops.

    2. Yep, you'll need shoes, harness, a belay device of some sort and carabiner or two. Later you will want some quick-draws, but not from the start. NEVER BUY USED GEAR except maybe shoes, but that's gross. Spend your money on some good shoes and a decent harness. I'd budget $140 to start.

    3. It was probably a combination of the two. Some people have bit of "natural talent" when it comes to some of the more technical moves and balance. He had you on beginner routes, which is to be expected. With a little practice, you'll be climbing 5.10s in no time.

    Edit: No, your husband can climb with you. The anchors at the top of the route act like a pulley so the force of your husbands weight is cut in half. Now, if he were doing a lead climb and fell more than 5ft., he could possibly shoot you up in the air so it would always be a good idea to make sure your anchored in to something the ground if he could take a decent fall. Most climbing gyms these days have anchors on the floor just for this reason.

  6. You are on the right track to find climbing partners - I have met several at the climbing gym. I'm sure you won't have any problem finding many people that want to climb with you and hopefully some that would be willing to teach you - maybe even take you outdoors to climb on some real rock.

    The equipment you will normally need for the gym is rock shoes ($40 - $140) harness (~$60) and smaller items like a locking carabiner ($25) belay device ($20) chalk bag ($20) etc. Try the sale here:

    You may have climbed a 5.6 and a 5.7 (the decimal system 5.0 to 5.15 is the US scale for technical rock climbing) which is very normal for the first time - but you may have had some natural ability and good footwork and balance (which is more common for girls) - so he may have been genuinely surprised.


    You can climb with someone that is much heavier or lighter than you - you just need to make sure that you know the safety steps required to keep it safe. I climbed with a woman for several years that I outweighed by 100lbs and she was a great belayer.

    Being more than 40lbs lighter, you should always be anchored - leading AND top roping. If you are belaying him on top rope you MUST be anchored or he could pull you off the ground all the way to the top and you could get hurt. Leading could pull you to the first point where the rope is clipped and you could hit the rock on the way up. Be safe!

    Good Luck

  7. you could go to there  you can create a climbing profile and search for climbing partners in your city! It's a legitimate website :) it also has climbing tips and forums! check it out!

    for equipment you'll need a chalk bag (you can do without but it helps alot!) shoes... new climbers dont need expensive ones because they end up tearing them up because of there "rookie " climbing techniques.  you'll need a harness... and last a carabiner and belay device!

    to but equipment REI is great! they may even have a store near by!

    MADROCK  this site has climbing packages they include your harness, carabiner, chalk back and belay device for about $70...and you can do without the belay device and carabiner for $50...

    Happy Climbing :)

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