
New to running, is everyday too much ?

by  |  earlier

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Hi to all, I am 29 years old and I'm new to running. I have always been in great shape, playing sports and being active. I go to the gym 2-3 times per week, go biking 1-2 times per week (5 -10 miles), and stretch 3-4 times per week. 5'11, 155 lbs, as you can see there was no point for me to run, until I relaized how weak my endurance and lungs were. Key word is "were". I have started running but dont know the best techniques and practices. 2 days ago, I began running around the highschool track. the first lap I walk and streched my arms, neck and back, then Jogged 3 laps, finally walk one lap to cool down. I have never ran back to back days, at any distance, am I going about this the corrrect way. I feel good after the run, but just tired. My plan is to run 3/4 mile every day for one week, then increase it to one full mile for a week, then 1 1/4 the next. is this a good way or should I be doing more? my goal is to be able to run 5 miles within 45 min. Thanks 4 the help!




  1. take it easy at first.  if your new you don't want to start out with a pow.  Trust me I was new to running when I was 7 and I ran like 2 miles then the next day my legs hurt real bad

  2. Since you are just starting out, you may want to take it easy. You may just want to run 4 or 5 days a week and change up your workouts. You should assign different days to be for distance and some for speed. If you keep that up you will be good. But just continue to add distance to both the speed and distance days. Note: the speed workouts should be a short distance (about 1 or 2 miles).

  3. since you are new you need to be careful, because you could see a lot of improvement very soon.

    You might want to do too much too soon.

    Stay on a program and don't increase your distance by more than 25% after the first month.

    Limit yourself or you may injure yourself.

    Take off at least one day each week.If you try to increase your distance each week your body is not going to hold up to the work.

    After you are up to a mile then don't go to additional distance each week.

  4. If you are just starting you might want to take a day of every to every other week for a while.  Once you get more in shape you want to keep taking days off here and there to keep your body fresh. Try every 3weeks having a day off unless you think you need more.

    Good luck!

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