
New to supervising IT training sessions.?

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I need to plan a two week IT training session and I have never supervised anything like this before.what are the things i need to keep in mind and how can i make this session more useful.




  1. Is this IT training session for teachers?  If so, be prepared for lots of questions, as there always seems to be one teacher who is so inept in computer usage that they will question the simplest little thing.  Also, it always helps to provide candy.  They will appreciate it.

  2. Wow, that is a long session. Depending on what the training is about you might want to think of the structure. Some teachers actually start with a small quiz to refresh the memory of the students or to get a picture of the level of knowledge.This is usually followed by the instruction which can be easier if you have a powerpoint presentation available. after that you usually want to get a session of Q and A, then followed by a lab and followed by the next assessment in the form of a test. since this continues for several days you might want to also assess every morning for knowledge, make it fun and have a quiz type of a game every day at the beginning of class. Also try to give a lot of examples either from personal experience or from other sources (news, internet)

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