
New tongue piercing. pleaseee help me please. i wanna know if i can..?

by  |  earlier

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hello. i just got a new tongue piercing on Monday around 4:00-4:30. ive been taking very good care of it. everytime i eat i rinse with salt water and mouth wash. its in its healing process right now i can see the yellowish whitish stuff coming up. but i want to drink a little tonight. smirnoff ice.. coolers. about 6 is what i want. would u say its safe to drink. ive already had a couple sips and ive been fine. but im worried it'll puss up and get infected. what do u guys think. should i be ok. they told me to wait 48 horus but still




  1. I think it wouldn't matter because its just like drinking a soda with alcohol in it.  Just make sure you keep your mouth clean as much as possible. The problem is going to be might get a little sore because of the time that you didn't rinse with mouth wash during the night.  Other than that you shouldn't have a problem.

  2. They recommend that you dont to avoid infection...but lol honestly I got mine done about two years ago and I drank just carry around mouth wash with you and you want to rinse rinse rinse all night just to be on the safe maybe after every smirnoff or every half rinse and spit and you should be fine!!!!

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