I'm the new father of my first tree: a 7-foot high Dogwood freshly planted by my landscapers in the front yard about a week and a half ago. I live on mostly clay, but the top foot or so is topsoil put down by my builder last year when we built the house, and the landscapers dug a pretty big hole and transplanted the tree with some Pete / Pebble / Sand / Soil mix of some kind. I think they left the root ball intact with the native soil from the nursery. They put a water bag around the base, taught me how to keep it full, and mulched around that.
I put my hose deep into the enclosed pocket of the water bag that you're supposed to keep full and put the hose on a timer so that it runs about 1 minute every 3 hours to keep it full. The water bag seeps water into the ground slowly all day keeping it moist.
When they planted the tree it was green. It is now all brown and dried up. There is one single green leaf left. I've sprayed the leaves with water in the mid-afternoon every day, even a some Miracle Grow canister at the end of the hose. But I feel like I'm losing the battle here.
One thing I learned after the fact is that these trees are not happy with direct sun, and unfortunately there is very little shade in my front yard (hence the reason for planting trees). Between noon and 4 pm, the front yard can get pretty hot even here in Western Massachusetts.
Any advice? Am I doing anything wrong?