
New tribe in South America?

by Guest21468  |  earlier

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These people had no previous contact with civilization, what will be the one thing you will give or teach them. Will they be able to comprehend modern civilization ?

I personally think they should be left alone.




  1. Sure they have had contact. . .not hoards of tourists, however some oil people have been in the area since that whole region has been explored and sounded.  Other tribes' traders have been there to supply machetes, knives and fish hooks.

    A few years ago I lived for two years along the shore of Rio Napo just before it enters the Amazon.  I lived among the Auca, Jivaro, Shuar and Kofani Indians and the men also painted their bodies with red paste made from the seeds of the Achote plant.

    Men and women do not wear clothes but just a cord around the waist to tuck in edible plants or kill (groceries).  They also do not have body hair other than on the scalp, no pubic hair. . . .Yes sir, think of a peach upside down!   Amongst items collected, I have two seven foot blow guns with curare tipped darts.  

    If you ever think of going to live there. . .Be prepared it is very unhealthy for anybody whose immune system is not used to that environment.  Since it rains all the time, everything is in a stage of decay and the slightest scratch on your skin becomes a major infection within a few hours.

  2. They should certainly be left alone morally, as many historic peoples should have been, but we can see from one paragraph in the article that it’s most likely not going to happen.

    “They show tribe members outside thatched huts, surrounded by the dense jungle, pointing bows and arrows up at the camera.”

    All the way through history traditional peoples and traditional ways of life have never survived contact with larger nations without shedding their identities. Ainu in Japan, Amerindian tribes in the United States, Maasai in Kenya, San in South Africa…From time to time you have a people like the Inuit who have modernized and have their own state-within-a-state in Nunavut, Canada, but I expect the developing Brazilian economy and the Brazilian government’s history with the Amerindians of the Amazon Basin will mean closing in on the tribe’s land’s natural resource or settlement potential, to say nothing of global anthropological curiosity…the price of national progress one might call it.

  3. Leave them be. They're happy as they are. Just as the Afs were before the White man arrived on the Dark Continent.

  4. I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that there is already a ‘well meaning’ expedition on their way to them, as we speak. Shame man, those guys have had it. It would be great if they just left them alone, but we all know that that will not happen. The next thing we will hear is 'we had to shoot because they threatened us with weapons' 'Dr so and so was murdered by the savages in cold blood'

  5. They should be left well alone!!!

    Next thing the Americans will be blamed for being them to civilisation like we are blamed in Africa for doing so.

    If you must learn anything from Africa it is not to go making tribes civil as look what happens we when do. We get kicked in the teeth!

  6. They wanted to stay isolated from the rest of us, tough luck because we have found you, now have a coke and a MacDonald's hamburger.

    shame their perfect life is over.

  7. You are correct, they should actually leave them be.  Unfortunately, humans are such inquisitive beings, and will NOT do so.  So the best thing that I would like to do for them would be to vaccinate them against all our western diseases to which they have not yet been exposed, like small pox, measles,mumps, rubella, diphtheria, polio and whatever else modern day man could "kill" them with.  Unfortunately, that would be the last thing that they would allow us to do.  

    So Leave Them alone.

    Maybe one should give them firearms to shoot intruders, ha, ha! That should keep the hordes away from them!

  8. Yip , i also think that they should be left alone, i hope that now that they were "discovered" they dont get exploited and become "tourist attractions" or some bright sparks might try and go there and get killed and then they will be labelled as danderous or "savages" looking at the pics , it seems that they were pointing the arrows at the cameras due to fear and lets hope that it is not interpreted as hostility...

    Interesting article mate , thanks for sharing...

  9. it is actually scary to know that there is still places that hasnt been discovered yet.

    I would just like to know how did they get there?

    How far back does their history go?

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